5 Mindfulness Techniques To Practice At Work

At times of immoderate pressure at work, practicing mindfulness techniques can be a savior for your productivity and wellbeing. Check out these 5 mindfulness techniques to practice at work.

5 Mindfulness Techniques To Practice At Work

Amidst the crazy times we’re living in, where work-life balance seems to have no lines of differentiation, finding a moment for yourself seems like a fantasy. But not doing so can be exactly where you’re going wrong.

The health trend “mindfulness” has been popped around a lot recently by fitness freaks and popular celebrities, and for all the right reasons.

So what exactly is mindfulness?

Going by the Oxford definition, mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

So what exactly are the benefits of mindfulness?

Well, practicing mindfulness can help relieve stress, treat heart disease, lower blood pressure, reduce chronic pain, improve sleep, and alleviate gastrointestinal difficulties. It can also help with the treatment of numerous problems such as: depression, substance abuse, eating disorders, couples’ conflicts, anxiety disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Using certain techniques, especially at work can help reduce stress, boost the immune system and improve your productivity.

Now, that the numerous advantages it has on our physical and mental as well as our wellbeing is clear. Here are 7 mindfulness techniques to allow you to reach your full potential without having to spare an hour of meditation:

  1. Set A Must Do Intention/Goal Every Morning

Before starting your day, in your to-do list or on a sticky note on your laptop screen, write down one major intention to help you keep focused and motivated throughout the day. It could be something personal, a work goal or even a mental mantra to help you get through the day. This allows you to check in with yourself and review behaviours that need to be altered to get back on track or in your “desirable state.”

2. Find Meaning In Your Work

Now this might be a task if you don’t enjoy your job, but finding purpose or satisfaction in what you do is crucial for your mental wellbeing as well as productivity on the job. If you like what you do or are learning something that provides you with value, success will follow: whether for your being or your professional life.

And if you can’t find an incentive, then reflect back to when you applied for the job: why did you do so? Grab a piece of paper and make a list of what brings you joy or what makes your work meaningful. This way, you could come back to this list and analyse how you could change your current doings to achieve contentment and if you find meaning then you can remind yourself why you wake up each day.

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3. Be Present At Work

Regardless of the type of job, work can often result in a big miscellany of perplexity. Daydreaming or drifting away especially in the presence of distractions is common, for which it’s essential to take a break to check in with yourself and your environment. Working whilst something’s on your mind can be rather pointless as it would impact the quality of your work. So take a small break whether to go sit outside in nature, a quick stroll or even listen to a podcast to clear your mind can be quite helpful to reset your mind(Check out 5 best podcasts for marketing). Consciously connecting with your senses can allow you to feel refreshed allowing you to resume work better.

4. Have A Growth Mindset

All humans have a negativity bias, signifying they’re more likely to focus on something that’s negative than on things that have worked for them. But that might be the most toxic behavioural trait of all, in fact all successful individuals have one thing in common: a growth mindset.

A growth mindset is simply instead of saying that it won't work out or you can't do it, it focuses on working to improve your skills or mainly “trying your best” to do so. Yes, these are just words and it's easier said than done, but setting small goals or acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses can help you shut down that evil critical self of yours that goes in the background of your head and also boost your self-esteem during and after work too!

5. Acknowledge Yourself And Your Feelings

Following from the previous point of having a growth mindset, being positive and happy all the time is not quite possible. Everyone has their low days and negative thoughts are a normal part of life. Thus, it’s important to embrace those feelings by simplifying telling yourself how you’re feeling rather than ignoring them in the thought that they would affect your productivity.

In fact pushing them away would hurt your wellbeing and efficiency. On such days, taking a moment to jot down any successes or positive things that have happened can help you feel better about yourself, day and your purpose. Leave that list of accomplishments on your desk a day prior to set yourself up for a positive start the next day!

Final Note:

Lastly, take baby steps- and awareness is the first one. Don’t go OTT with all techniques at once. Focus on what makes you happy and on your own health and productivity at work would follow. Just remember to keep mindfulness in your calendar and set an appointment with yourself!

And like Sharon Salzberg , a world-renowned teacher and NY Times bestselling author once said "Mindfulness isn't difficult. We just need to remember to do it." Keep that and these 5 techniques in mind, and you’re going to reach your full unicorn potential without a hitch.