Top 12 Productivity Hacks For Remote Workers

With the rising trend in remote work culture, most organizations increasingly emphasize productivity. While productivity has always played a vital role irrespective of remote or on-site work, it has become a challenge for remote workers.

Top 12 Productivity Hacks For Remote Workers

With the rising trend in remote work culture, most organizations increasingly emphasize productivity. While productivity has always played a vital role irrespective of remote or on-site work, it has become a challenge for remote workers.

Have you faced mind block while working from home, felt lethargic, or unorganized?

If yes, you are dealing with a lack of motivation that can hinder your performance. This blog presents practical and operative hacks to become productive and energetic even when working from home.

1. A Big No To Multitasking

To be productive, you must first stop multitasking. It is a common belief among people that they can save time if they do different tasks simultaneously. But the reality is that multitasking does no good; instead, it costs you more time than it saves.

Multitasking does not help you in any way but instead diminishes the quality of the tasks you work on together.

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2. Maintain A Consistent Routine

Working from home gives you a more flexible schedule than working from an office. Having a fixed routine in place when working at home can help increase your performance levels, boost motivation, and help you stay optimistic.

Choose one object that will signal you that you are about to begin working, for instance, a cup of morning tea, arriving home after walking your dog, showering, putting on cosmetics, and getting dressed. Next, choose an existing habit that can serve as a spark for you to feel work-ready and stick to it.

Developing a pleasant daily morning habit is an investment in yourself and a great strategy to do your best. However, it also has other advantages, such as providing structure, developing forward-moving habits, and establishing momentum that holds you together on days when you don't feel strong enough to accept yourself.

Don't be scared to experiment with new habits to observe how they affect you. Continue doing them if they make you feel invigorated and inspired; if they don't, try new ones until you find ones that do.

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3. Organize Tasks In Batches

Combining jobs of a similar nature to encourage efficiency and output is known as task batching to promote efficiency and production.

You can better manage your workload and improve the quality of your work by breaking down a massive project into smaller particular portions and categorizing them by similarity. Task batching also aids in stress reduction. That's one work-at-home productivity trick you won't want to overlook.

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4. Maintain A Dedicated Work Area

Avoiding distractions is one of the challenges when working from home. Choose a location in your home where your job does not interfere with the lives of your family members and where you are most focused.

Find a calm, stress-free environment where you can focus solely on your task. We acquire cognitive biases about the physical environments we find ourselves in daily, even if we don't realize it. These aid us in keeping each space in order and providing a feeling of purpose. According to Helene Melby Brodersen - Head of PR, Brand & Communication at Eco Online. "As technology evolves, people need to find ways to make their work more comfortable. If you spent more of your day at a computer, it's important to choose high-quality ergonomic furniture and ergonomic peripherals like chairs, mice, keyboards, and monitors."

An office, a bedroom, a kitchen, and a balcony are all included. They are all distinguished by their layout; otherwise, they are just floors, walls, and ceilings. We assign each room a function and decorate it to fulfill that function.

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5. Keep A Time Log

If you have trouble managing your time, use the Pomodoro Technique, which millions of individuals use.

This strategy includes dividing work into short intervals of approximately 20-25 minutes. Each pause is known as Pomodoro, Italian for tomato. Francesco Cirillo invented this approach, which he named after the tomato-shaped timer he used as a university student.

It's simple to keep a time journal if you do it correctly. Regularly logging your hours ensures you input the correct numbers and bill your clients.

Keeping a time record is a simple and effective track of your time. It can assist you in determining how you spend your time and whether you are productive. You can track time for various activities, including work, personal projects, other events, and housework.

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6. Set Your Phones And Computers To “Do Not Disturb” Mode

The habit of checking your phones every time a notification appears can waste much of your time.

When working on anything important, turn off all notifications and set your gadgets to a “do not disturb” mode, including messaging apps like Slack. That will dramatically increase your efficiency.

That does not imply breaking all your connections while working because communication is the key in remote working. But you can fix a specific time slot or ask your teammates to call you instead of texting directly.

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7. After Work, Take A Walk

After you complete your daily work, use the time you would have ideally spent commuting to get outdoors and go for a walk. Inactivity is one of the most severe problems when working from home.

You may have a habit of sitting in front of your computer for hours until your tasks are accomplished, and before you realize it, much time has passed. However, walking is one of the practical exercises for increasing metabolism and energizing. Therefore, include at least one physical exercise to stay fit and healthy in your daily routine.

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8. Define Your Limits

It would be best if you established ground rules on who has access to your workspace. It is critical if you have children or dogs who require your attention. The goal is to keep distractions to a minimum, so your work does not suffer.

Let's go through some ground rules to get you started.

For starters, if you have children who require constant attention, you may organize their day and schedule activities that keep them occupied while you are on the phone or in meetings.

Adults are not exempt from the rule. Make sure they're up to date on your plans for the day. Don't be afraid to maintain your ground and establish clear boundaries.

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9. Make Use Of Time Management Strategies

Remote working makes it easy to lose track of time, so it's crucial to incorporate specific time management tactics that can help track how much time you spend on different tasks. For example, the Pomodoro Method is terrific for getting you to work for two to three hours and then taking a 20-30 minutes break.

It's simple to prioritize by making a "to-do" list. Your lifestyle will determine whether you need a daily, weekly, or monthly list. Make sure your list-making doesn't get out of hand.

Rather than goals or multi-step plans, list simple tasks. Then, sort the tasks on your "to-do" list into priority order (both essential and urgent). You can categorize objects as a high priority, medium priority, or low priority, number them in order of importance, or color-coding. Time management experts recommend adopting a personal planning tool to increase productivity. Integrate shortcuts into daily routines like shortcut to quit all apps on mac that allow swiftly clearing the desktop of multiple open applications with a single command and allow for a structured approach to workflow management.

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10. Take Advantage Of Online Training

Consider taking advantage of professional development options offered by your firm. Consider taking advantage of various online training or classes that might help you improve your skills and succeed in your job. You can stay motivated to achieve new skills and expand your industry knowledge. Whether you're a full-time or part-time online student, you'll have more flexibility with your schedule.

Some aspects may need live attendance, such as lectures, demonstrations, or discussion sessions. However, many components will be asynchronous, allowing you to work at your own pace and learn when it is most convenient.

Time management is easier when you have more control over your schedule. Maintaining a busy social and family life while pursuing a college or graduate degree is easier. Education, career advancement, and fulfilling personal life are all achievable.

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11. Set Aside Specific Working Hours

Setting distinct "business" hours that allow everyone in the family to know when you're working is just as important as keeping your morning routine. For example, inform family members that you will begin working every morning at 9 a.m. and that you should not be distracted unless there is an emergency.

Your work schedule will run more smoothly if you establish boundaries. Working time that is "pre-fixed" is also found to be productive.

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12. Keep Distractions To A Minimum

If you can't enter your living room without turning on the TV, work in another room or area of your house. Keeping distractions out of your workspace is critical for focussing on tasks and ensuring you make the most of your work hours.

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Small changes can increase your productivity manifold

To increase productivity, you may need to change your exieting working habits, which is the most challenging component. However, gradually you will notice a dramatic increase in your output, over time. Adapt one step at a time and measure the results to see if it is working for you.

You can also check some productivity tools and techniques for better results. Do try incorporating the hacks mentioned above to improve your performance positively.