6 Best Free Blogging Platforms In 2024

In this blog, we’ll discuss the benefits of blogging and the different types of blogging platforms available in the market. We’ll also talk about picking the perfect blogging platform based on your business and why you should hire a writer to help you build your business blog.

6 Best Free Blogging Platforms In 2024

So you’ve finally decided to take the leap and start a blog.

What’s next?

You have to choose the best blogging platform for your business.

But with so many different platforms available on the internet, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. So how do you know which is the right one for you?


In this blog, we’ll discuss the benefits of blogging and the different types of blogging platforms available in the market. We’ll also talk about picking the perfect blogging platform based on your business and why you should hire a writer to help you build your business blog.

What Is A Blogging Platform?

With blogging platforms, people can make posts and have their own digital space. They can also assign a distinct author to each article or post. These platforms also let users categorize their posts, making it quite simple to find all posts on a specific topic in the blog. Users may also tag articles with various keywords to find specific subjects within the blog.

Earlier, the software applications used to create a website and those used to create a blog were entirely separate. However, there is a significant overlap nowadays: Traditional websites and blog sites can be made using a content management system, commonly referred to as CMS.

Most websites today feature a CMS-model blog that permits the development of static websites on their domain. With content writing services available at affordable rates, it’s become easy to maintain a professional blog with quality content without burning a hole in your pocket.

Best Free Blogging Platforms in 2022


Source: WordPress

WordPress powers over 40% of all websites. WordPress began as a blogging platform and has evolved into a website builder thanks to the WordPress visual editor. However, it remains a fantastic free blogging platform. This also allows you to grow your website in the future, for when your business grows, you can afford a paid version of the tool. In addition, many excellent WordPress plugins and tools are available to benefit you, such as the WordPress ADA compliance plugin; most of them are free.

It's worth noting that the WordPress program is free, but not the hosting. Free hosting is accessible and can be used if blogging is a hobby. However, commercial hosting from NameHero is suggested for professional blogging. The good part is that it might cost as little as $5 per month. There are numerous excellent hosting services available at a lower cost. See pantheon alternatives.


Source: Digital Information World

Blogger is considered a well-known and widely used blogging system on the internet. You can be confident that your blog will be on a secure server because Google owns it. Furthermore, as a Blogger user, you'll get your subdomain, which lets you link your custom domain for free. Not a lot of other free blogging domains offer their users this feature.

Another benefit is that you get 15 GB of storage space to post high-resolution content. In addition, themes and layouts for pre-designed templates are available.

The CMS of Blogger is quite simple. They even offer their metrics to track progress. Still, since it's part of the Google family, you may also use Google Analytics.


Source: 99Designs

Wix is an easy-to-use, hassle-free website builder that makes creating blogs simple even for beginners with no previous blogging experience. With hundreds of entirely configurable templates, the platform prioritizes looks.

A lot of people pick Wix because it's UI is pleasing to the eye. Your blog will stand out because of the rich design elements and visual material, making your website look aesthetic even without many images.

Suppose quality customer support is important to you. In that case, Wix has a solid customer service team to help you with any difficulties you might face. In addition, there are plenty of tools to help you with SEO, which is important for any business to grow.

Apart from getting your URL, with Wix, you also get 1 GB of bandwidth and 500GB of storage as well. With Wix's premium plans, there's also the option to add an ecommerce store.


Source: Medium

Medium is among the Internet's top prominent blogging platforms. It has a clean and basic UI design that allows anyone to compose and post blogs effortlessly. On Medium, anybody can write. It gives a platform for writers with no previous experience to get an audience for their content.

There are tools on Medium that allow readers to engage with your blog content as a specialized publishing tool. For example, people can vote or 'clap' your posts to increase their popularity on the platform. They may also highlight specific portions of your content so that their audience can know which ones they liked most.

Because Medium is a community-based platform, you're guaranteed to have an audience because the number of users on the forum is so large. Additionally, if you hire a writer to help you with content, you can delegate community engagement activities to them to ensure you build a strong and credible presence on the platform.

The disadvantage is that you have to stay within Medium's ecosystem. So, if you're looking for a brief blogging period, Medium is a good choice. However, suppose your objective is to make a profitable marketing asset from this blog. In that case, you might consider looking at other blogging platforms.


Source: Digital.gov

Tumblr is a networking platform that lets people upload short-form content. Tumblr makes it easy to share nearly any media, including text, quotations, and photographs. As a result, Tumblr is often compared to a social media platform rather than a blogging platform.

It's been around for over a decade and has established itself as a fun and entertaining domain. However, if you're looking to write about profound, informative, and educational topics, this might not be your platform. On the other hand, if your content is more visual and image-based, Tumblr is a great choice. It already has a broad user base, and it's easy to connect to a large audience.

Users get a complimentary subdomain, but you may also link your custom domain. There are no restrictions on bandwidth or media storage, so there's no need to be concerned.

There are plenty of free themes to select from, although you can design your own if you know how to modify HTML. You may also integrate your Tumblr blog with Google Analytics to effectively measure visitor activity.


Source: Weebly 

Weebly is yet another website builder that may be used to create a blog, market your products, or display your portfolio. It's similar to Wix and has features that let you add a button to the page by dragging it on the page and customizing it.

Weebly will provide you with a subdomain to run your blog, unlimited bandwidth, and 500 MB storage in their free package. In addition, basic SEO tools are available in the settings menu if you value SEO skills and would like to make use of Weebly's limitless bandwidth.

You can choose from 50 customizable templates with all the functionality you'll need to express yourself. Of course, it's not simple to start a blog from scratch, but even novices will have no issues making their domain with a website builder.

As a small business owner, you might not have the resources to hire a website designer. So, in that case, Weebly is a great option.

They also have a responsive customer support team to help you in every step of the process.

Things To Consider While Choosing a Blogging Platform

Source: Unsplash


If your company is just getting started, estimating how much inbound cash flow you may expect might be complex. There are several free blogging systems available; however, you will have restricted access to some features and may not be capable of making as many adjustments as you would want.

So you need to consider what features you might be willing to compromise to save costs without affecting the quality of your content. For example, a better business decision would be to use your resources to hire a content writer when you're just starting.

Even with a fancy website or blog, readers won’t stay on your website unless you have content that adds value to their life. So it’s important to use your resources smartly and focus on quality content in the early stages of your business.

Functionality and Ease-Of-Use

The majority of popular blogging platforms come with an intelligent content management system. Basic font and design styling choices are available in most CMSs. While these may be sufficient for some, most users want additional features such as toggling between HTML codes, photo and video editing, and other features. You have more alternatives for creating aesthetically appealing content if the CMS offers more features.

Some platforms, though free, can be customized if one knows HTML, and some are made entirely for novices with pre-built features. So make sure to consider how easy the tool is to use because once you pick a blogging platform, you'll have to stick to it for a while.


Increasing traffic and building a fan following depend on getting your content in front of a broad audience. For SEO-friendly blogs, search engines are usually the primary source of traffic.

For business blogs to be accessible to potential clients on the internet, it's essential to be easily discovered. Therefore, choosing an SEO-friendly blogging platform is crucial if you're looking to build a profitable business.

Non-SEO-friendly blogging systems lack the essential weapon for delivering traffic. While search engines may still drive part of your traffic, a non-SEO optimized blog may struggle to supply search engines with the information they need to value your content. Utilizing well-designed blog templates can enhance your blog's appeal and improve its SEO performance, ensuring that your content gets the attention it deserves.


Before deciding on a blogging platform, it's vital to think about who may access the blog and what kind of information can be submitted, among other factors. Access to the blog's backend to update posts, pages, comments, or change the responsibilities of specific users should be a baseline necessity.

While negative reviews and constructive criticism are always welcome, you want to keep your blog free from hate comments and trolls. So, it's crucial to consider the amount of control you want visitors to have and make sure the blogging platform you choose provides those capabilities. For example, do you want to be able to filter comments to prevent inappropriate content from being published? Then you'll need to choose a platform that accommodates those features.

Your Blogging Experience

Suppose the terms CSS and PHP are a regular part of your vocabulary. In that case, you'll have no problem making yourself comfortable on any blogging platform. However, if you have no prior coding knowledge or experience in the blogosphere, you should look for an easy platform. Make sure you pick a blogging platform that is not difficult to navigate and that you are not biting off more than you can chew.

You can always choose to hire a content writer who has blogging experience and save yourself time and efforts that you can instead focus on business strategy.

The Benefits Of Blogging

This is the best time for businesses to incorporate blogging into their marketing plan, with over 4 billion individuals worldwide connected to the internet.

Blogging not only helps you increase traffic to your website and market your business, but it also lets you build relationships with clients and establish yourself as an authority in your field. So let's take a closer look at some of the key benefits of blogging for business.

It Helps With Lead Conversions

What’s the primary purpose of any business marketing strategy? To convert views and visitors into leads. And there’s no better way to do that than with blogging. Now that visitors are visiting your blog directly, you have the chance to turn website visitors into leads.

Any blog you post is a new chance to develop new leads, just like every cached page you write.

With a blogging platform, this becomes easy. You'll need to add a catchy call-to-action at the bottom of every post you write. It's often a good idea to link these call-to-action leads to case studies and white papers. People would have to give their credentials and potentially convert into leads.

You could hire a writer remotely to help you create content that makes visitors want to keep coming back to your business. Check out our blog for tips on hiring the best content writer for your business.

Establish Yourself As An Expert

By blogging about your area of expertise, you may establish credibility with your readers. In addition, writing pertinent content will benefit your audience. Finally, as a result of this easy step, you will get recognition as an expert in your particular field.

Gaining people's trust is the first step to converting them into long-term clients. In addition, people are more likely to buy from a business with credibility and knowledge in its field. Therefore, producing content regularly will help increase your client base significantly.

You might also want to check out our blog on how hiring writers from outsourcing agencies can help you improve the quality of your content.

Improve Backlinking

Backlinks are regarded as the third most crucial component in SEO-based marketing by many entrepreneurs and marketing professionals. However, 41% of SEO specialists consider link-building a challenging aspect of search optimization.

It will be simpler to build solid links if you write helpful articles for people beyond your customer base - even people and other firms in your industry should benefit from your content. That will help you establish credibility, too, as discussed in the previous point. Links to reputable sites are seen as a ringing endorsement by other websites. It also tells Google that you're knowledgeable in your field.

The Results Are Long-Term

Unlike social media websites that favor moment marketing, blogging has a longer shelf-life. Today, you might have 100 views, but it can reach 1,000 views over a month. The same doesn’t apply to social media posts with a day or two shelf life. So though you might take more time to get views with blogging, the results will be more long-term.

The leading business blogs respond to frequently asked questions from their followers and clients in their niche. Therefore, whenever potential clients have a question relevant to your topic when you post a blog, they will be redirected to your blog with call-to-action links.

When customers see that you can address and answer their specific queries, they are highly likely to register your brand in their minds the next time they want to purchase.

You Can Repurpose Content

Blogging also aids in boosting social media discovery. Every time you publish a new post, you're producing material that can be shared by readers on their social media platforms, exposing your company to a new demographic who may not be familiar with it.

Your social media presence will benefit from blog material. Rather than constantly asking your marketing manager to develop fresh content for social media continually, your blog may function as a content bank. With blog material, you're expanding your social reach and drawing new website traffic to your blog via social media.

Your blog content can be repurposed into social media posts, podcasts, e-books, case studies, white papers, YouTube videos, etc.

Content is King

It’s important to have a regularly updated blog to establish yourself as a credible business in your niche. With the world moving towards e-commerce, having an accessible blog is more important than ever. Even the best platforms are worthless without good content, so hire a content writer to ensure your content is well-researched, reader-friendly, and relevant to your audience.
