9 Best AI-Content Generators for Busy Entrepreneurs (By Use Case)

9 Best AI-Content Generators for Busy Entrepreneurs (By Use Case)

Content marketing has never been more critical. As Seth Godin once proclaimed, “It’s the only marketing left.”

The problem is that content marketing budgets are not infinite. And content creators have limited capacity and creativity to meet the demand. That’s why more companies are turning to AI content generators.

Like most technology, AI content generators are getting smarter, driven by deep learning transformer models and natural language generation.

So, how good are they? Can they replace the entire content creation process, or do they still need human intervention?

In this guide, we’ll look at some of the best AI content generators for different use cases — including hyper personalized communications, writing assistance, content optimization, and SEO niche articles — from end-users to the enterprise level.

What Is an AI Content Generator?

An AI content generator is software that uses artificial intelligence to produce original, human-sounding content based on keywords or phrases that a human provides. It’s similar to the text auto-complete functionality on your smartphone that predicts what text you want to write.

Most AI content generators use natural language generation (NLG) to produce human-like text. NLG creates new content based on the data you provide and adapts it to user behavior.

You can use an AI content generator, including an online citation maker, to create long-form content, such as blog posts and articles, along with product descriptions, product reviews, landing pages, and service and sales pages.

Not All AI content Generators Are Created Equal

Many AI content generators are on the market, some of which are better suited for specific uses.

Many AI content generators use large language prediction models like GPT-3. These models use machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to look for language patterns in billions of web pages.

Then they use that knowledge to produce keyword-rich and human-like text. These content generators suit basic actions like creating subject lines or blog posts.

Other AI content generators, like Persado and Shopia, use more advanced AI language generators with proprietary decision engines that help marketers deliver hyper-personalized communications at scale across every marketing channel.

How To Choose the Right Solution

Given the different types of AI content generators, you must choose the correct one based on your requirements. Here are four key considerations:

Use cases

First, decide how you intend to use an AI content generator. For instance, do you need blog articles, social media posts, email subject lines, product descriptions, or all of the above?

Some AI content writers will only accommodate one channel, so map out which channels you plan to use in your AI content marketing campaigns.


Next, consider how clean the content output is. For example, do you need a skeleton outline that you can flesh out? Or do you want a finished article that only requires a few edits? Or do you need additional AI tools to help you humanize your AI content and make it undetectable by AI.

Level of interaction

Most AI content generators require users to input details, such as keywords, tone of voice, features, and other information, to generate each piece of content. Doing this at scale can be highly time-consuming. So look for an advanced tool that can handle large volumes of content with minimal intervention.


Suppose you’re looking for AI-generated content that’s hyper-personalized and built to motivate consumer action. In that case, you’ll need to look at advanced platforms with decision engines and natural language generators powered by first-party data.

Best AI Content Generation Tools

Now you know what to look for, let’s review the best AI content generators.

Persado: Motivation AI platform

Best for: delivering hyper-personalized communications at scale across every marketing channel

Persado is an enterprise-level AI language-generation platform that produces multi-channel content at scale. Notable Persado customers include Humana, American Express, Expedia, Verizon, JPMorgan Chase, and Dropbox.

Persado’s Motivation AI Platform uses advanced machine learning models and a proprietary decision engine to interpret the intent and generate the precise language that motivates every individual to take action.

Key features:

  • Natural language understanding (NLU) model: builds a unique language model based on your brand’s voice.
  • Natural language generation (NLG): creates one-to-one communications optimized for essential elements, such as emotions, narratives, and formatting.
  • Customer motivation knowledge base: a dataset of 1.2 billion consumers with over 100 billion interactions helps businesses understand what motivates consumers to act.
  • Proprietary decision engine: refines language based on user response data and automates experiments across channels.
  • Language profiles: personalize messages and drive engagement with a new type of first-party customer data.
  • Experimentation engine: uses the experimental method and statistical learning algorithms to model the performance of thousands of language and creative permutations.
  • CDP integration: activates the data in your customer data platform (CDP) to connect people and segments with the language and message that resonates most with them.
  • Analytics: view detailed audience response metrics and understand the impact of every word.

Jasper: AI writing assistant

Best for creating content for your blog, social media, and web pages

Jasper is an AI writing assistant that helps you create different types of content, including LinkedIn bios, Instagram captions, Facebook ads, Amazon product descriptions, website copy, and blog posts.

Key features:

  • Templates: create amazing copy and generate fresh ideas 5X faster with over 50 proven templates, including the AIDA framework, product descriptions, and Facebook ad headlines.
  • Recipes: create and share instructions for Jasper to follow, like an SOP. For example, you could ask it to create a blog post.
  • Boss Mode: helps write long content like white papers, reports, emails, and stories.
  • Languages: reads and writes intelligent and creative content in over 25 languages.

Writesonic: AI writing assistant

Best for: creating long-form blogs and articles, e-commerce product descriptions, Facebook and Google ad copy, and landing pages

Writesonic is an AI writing assistant packed with over 60 powerful writing tools. It can write all types of content, including social media posts, real estate listings, and cold emails.

Key features:

  • AI article and blog writer: create 1,500-word articles and blogs.
  • Product descriptions: generate epic descriptions for your e-commerce products.
  • Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google Ads: create high-performing ad copy.
  • Landing pages: develop high-converting landing pages.
  • Quora Answers: produce detailed answers to user questions.
  • AI article ideas: craft catchy blog titles.

SalesCloser.ai: Sales Assistant

Best for: generating post-meeting scripts and discovery questions

Salescloser is a next-gen sales buddy designed to simplify your sales process and enhance closing rates through interactive Zoom demos, lead pre-qualification, and seamless integration with other marketing tools. This AI-powered software uses an advanced machine-learning algorithm to produce high-yield insights from each customer interaction.

Key features:

  • Multilingual sales conversations: Supports virtually every language and breaks down communication barriers.
  • Personalized discovery calls: Unveils customers’ pain points and uses them to craft a sales-closing product presentation.
  • Seamless integrations with third-party apps: It takes only a single click to merge all your marketing and communication tools into one pipeline.
  • Calendar manager: Auto-schedules consultations after every meeting and saves you the stress of having to.
  • 24/7 Customer service: Responds and accurately resolves customer queries outside business hours.
  • AI script generator: Generates call scripts from every meeting so you can always come back to review.

Kafkai: AI content generator for SEO

Best for: generating SEO niche content in bulk

Kafkai is an AI content generator specifically for SEO content generation. Its machine-learning algorithm can write niche articles and general posts between 500 and 900 words. However, its primary function is output, not quality, so the AI-generated articles require editing.

Key features:

  • Niches: supports 40 niches, including beauty, dating, gaming, and nutrition.
  • Languages: writes in English but can translate articles into seven languages.
  • WordPress plug-in: writes articles directly in WordPress instead of the Kafkai app.

Article Forge: AI content generator for SEO

Best for: generating unique SEO content

Article Forge uses advanced artificial intelligence and deep learning to write unique SEO long-form articles in less than a minute, including subheadings, images, videos, and links. It uses the same artificial intelligence that Google bots use to evaluate the content, so it’s easier to rank your content.

Key features:

  • Rich content: adds relevant subheadings, videos, images, and links automatically.
  • Latent semantic indexing (LSI) keywords: weaves relevant keywords and phrases into the articles.
  • Unique content: confirms that content passes the Copyscape test for plagiarism.
  • Automation: schedules and publishes content to WordPress sites.
  • Languages: writes in seven languages.

Frase: AI content assistant

Best for: researching, writing, and optimizing content for Google

Frase is an AI content assistant covering your entire content workflow, from briefing and outlining to writing and optimizing. It uses proprietary technology to analyze the top 20 search results for target keywords.

Key features:

  • Automated content briefs: generate detailed SEO briefs for your writers.
  • Content scoring: guides writers to the perfect article.
  • Custom templates: create specific guidelines for writers.
  • Outline builder: compose article outlines using data points like autosuggest and “People Also Ask.”
  • AI writer: an optional add-on that generates content in one click.

Grammarly: AI writing assistant

Best for: anyone who wants to check and improve their writing

Grammarly is a freemium AI writing assistant that helps you compose error-free emails, tweets, and posts across your apps. It uses artificial intelligence to check your grammar, spelling, punctuation, clarity, and engagement and suggests appropriate alternative language.

Key features:

  • Grammar: check your English text for grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • Plagiarism: detects plagiarism in your text and suggests citation sources.
  • Tone: analyzes your word choice, phrasing, and punctuation to detect the tone of your message.
  • Style guide: helps your whole team capture your company's unique voice and style.
  • Snippets: prompt your team to craft consistent, on-brand messaging.
  • Integrations: works with Windows, Mac, iOS, MS Office, Google Docs, and browsers.

Copysmith: AI writing assistant

Best for: e-commerce teams and agencies that want to scale content production

Copysmith is an AI copywriting platform that helps e-commerce teams and agencies generate marketing content that converts. It includes 30+ templates for product descriptions, ads, blog posts, and content enhancement.

Key features:

  • Bulk product descriptions: generate product descriptions from spreadsheet SKUs.
  • Bulk content generation: create compelling content at scale.
  • Campaign builder: build a complete campaign in your brand voice, including a new product description, landing page copy, meta tag, social media caption, and blog post.
  • Chrome extension: write better content directly from your browser.
  • Integrations: works with marketing tools such as Shopify, Google Ads, and Zapier.

HyperWrite: Free AI content generator

Best for: marketers, bloggers, and writers who want inspiration and help with content creation

HyperWrite is a free AI content generator that uses advanced AI and language technology to help you write better and faster. It works on your browser and apps, including Word, Notion, and Gmail so that you can get suggestions and sentence completions as you type.

Key features:

  • Writing: generate original paragraphs from your input or notes.
  • Editing: custom document editor with writing suggestions as you type.
  • Enhancements: rewrite text to improve your writing style and transform your tone.
  • Integrations: Google Docs, Gmail, Outlook, LinkedIn, Medium, Notion, and Confluence.

Content at Scale

Content at Scale: Long-form AI writing assistant

Best for writing SEO-optimized long-form content

Content at Scale is an AI writing assistant that can create five times more content at a lower cost compared to hiring a team of writers. This tool uses cutting-edge technology to generate research-backed articles with the best keywords for SEO optimization.

Key features:

  • Automated long-form writing: generates complete long-form articles in minutes.
  • Content recycling: recycles existing YouTube videos, podcasts, documents, and more into written blogs.
  • Plugins: gives users Shopify and WordPress plugins that make it easy to publish straight to your website from the app.
  • SEO optimization: automatically check on-page SEO factors like keyword usage and placement, links, optimal word count, and more and see it reflected in the SEO score.
  • Table of contents generator: easily add a table of contents to your articles.

4 benefits of AI content generators

Here are four benefits you can expect when you use an AI content generator:

Save time

AI content generators help you save time and money. For example, it takes a lot of time to research, write, and refine content. But content generators can create long-form articles in less than a minute, complete with relevant subheadings, images, videos, and links.

Personalize at scale

Customers expect personalized experiences from brands. And AI technologies such as NLP and NLG can help you personalize content and messaging at scale while maintaining a consistent human-like brand tone.

Persado is the only AI platform that can generate on-brand, personalized content, at scale, across every channel to satisfy customer expectations.

Boost engagement

AI content generation tools like Persado can select and predict the content that will drive engagement and value, resulting in an average 41% uplift in customer engagement.

Increase ROI

Although there's an initial investment in an AI content platform, you can expect significant gains over time. For example, Persado's AI platform clients saw a 96% win rate in purchases, digital self-service enrollments, and auto-pay sign-ups.

Which AI Content Generator is Right for Your Business?

With so many AI content generators on the market, it’s essential to identify the right one for your business needs:

  • Evaluate which channels you’ll use for AI-generated content.
  • Decide if you’ll edit the AI-generated content or want it ready to publish.
  • Consider the volume of content you produce and if the tool can scale with your demand.
  • Decide if you wish to personalize content for a segment of your audience or create hyper-personalized content for individuals.