How to Use the Dictation Feature in Outlook?

Using Dictation Feature in Outlook

Time is precious, and multitasking is the norm. That's why finding tools that can streamline our workflow is crucial. Luckily, Outlook has a hidden gem called the Dictation feature that has the power to revolutionize the way we work.

Dictating emails in Outlook is like Dom orchestrating a verbal email heist, getting them done quickly and efficiently without breaking a sweat.

Dictating emails in Outlook

Imagine a world where typing is a thing of the past, and your words effortlessly turn into text within Outlook. That's exactly what dictation in Outlook is all about. This feature isn't just convenient. It's a game-changer for those wanting more efficient and hands-free communication.

This guide will dive deep into using the dictation for Outlook feature. Whether you're a seasoned professional looking to boost productivity or simply curious about this underrated tool, you've come to the right place. Let's get started!


How to Enable Mic on Mac? 

To dictate for Outlook, you first need to enable the mic. Here's how you can do that on Mac devices.

  • Start the process by clicking on the Apple icon. It is present in the top-left corner of your device's screen.
  • From the dropdown menu, choose the "System Preferences" option.
  • In the System Preferences window, click on "Sound."
  • Once the Sound window appears, navigate to the "Input" tab.
  • Look for your microphone in the list of available input devices.
  • Ensure the volume slider beside your microphone is not muted or turned down.
  • If you can't find your microphone in the list, ensure it's properly connected to your Mac and turned on.
  • If you use an external microphone, click on it once to set it as the default input device.

How to Dictate in Outlook on macOS? 

To dictate emails in Outlook on MacOs, begin by opening the Outlook application and signing in to your account. Once in Outlook, follow the following steps:

How to Dictate in Outlook on macOS? 

Step 1: Compose or Reply to an Email: To get things rolling, click "New Email" to create a fresh email or reply to an existing one.

Step 2:Access Dictation: Position your cursor in the email body where you want to begin dictating. To activate Dictation:

  • If your keyboard has a microphone icon key, press it once.
  • Alternatively, press the "Fn" key twice as a shortcut to enable dictation mode.

Step 3: Start Dictating: Once activated, you'll see a microphone icon. This means your Mac is all set to turn your speech into text. Just speak naturally; the system will magically transcribe your words into written text.

Step 4: Punctuation and Formatting: You can include punctuation and formatting commands by speaking them aloud, like "comma," "period," "new line," or "question mark."

Step 5: Review and Edit: Once finished dictating, take some time to review the transcribed text and make sure it is accurate. If you spot any errors, make the necessary edits manually.

Step 6: Finalize the Email: Once satisfied with the content, send it or save it as a draft.

How to Enable Mic on Windows?

How to Enable Mic on Windows?
  • To access Sound Settings, right-click the speaker icon in your taskbar or navigate to Settings > System > Sound.
  • Next, select your Input Device. In the "Input" section, ensure your microphone is detected and set as the default device. You can also check if the input level indicator shows activity when you speak.
  • If you want to adjust additional microphone settings, click "Device properties." From there, you can configure volume levels, enhancements, and device properties to your liking.
  • Head to Settings > Privacy > Microphone to ensure the "Allow apps to access your microphone" option is turned on. Also, take a moment to scroll down and ensure that individual apps have microphone access enabled.

How to Dictate in Outlook on Windows? 

How to Dictate in Outlook on Windows? 

Step 1: Open Outlook: Launch the Outlook application on your Windows computer and sign in to your account.

Step 2: Create or Open an Existing Email: Start composing a new email by clicking "New Email" or opening an existing email you want to reply to.

Step 3: Place Cursor in Email Body: Click in the body of the email where you want the dictated text to appear.

Step 4: Start Dictation:

There are two ways to do this step:

  • If you have a microphone button on your keyboard, press it once to start dictation.
  • You can also open the dictation toolbar using the keyboard shortcut: press the "Windows" key + H.

Step 5: Start Speaking: When the dictation mode is enabled, speak naturally and clearly at a moderate pace to allow the system to transcribe your words into text.

Step 6: Punctuations and Commands: You can easily add punctuation or formatting to your text by speaking the desired command. For example, simply say "comma," "period," "new line," or "question mark" to achieve the punctuation you want.

Step 7: Review and Edit: Once you've finished dictating, take the time to review the transcribed text for accuracy. Make any needed edits or corrections by manually using the keyboard and mouse.

Step 8: Finalize the Email: After you are happy with the content, you can either send the email or save it as a draft.

How to Dictate your emails in Outlook on iOS? 

Step 1: Open Outlook App: Launch the Outlook app on your iOS device to enable Outlook Dictate.

Step 2: Compose or Open an Email: Click the "+" icon. It is at the bottom of the screen to compose a new email or select an existing one to reply to.

Step 3: Start Dictation or Talk to Text Outlook:

  • Tap on the body of the email where you want to begin dictating.
  • Locate and tap the microphone icon on the keyboard. This will activate the dictation mode.

Step 4: Speak Your Message: Speak clearly and naturally once the dictation mode is activated. The system will effortlessly transcribe your words into text for you.

Step 5: Punctuation and Formatting: If you want to add punctuation or formatting to your text, you only need to speak the command aloud. Just say "period" or "new line," and I'll take care of it. Easy peasy!

Step 6: Review and Edit: Review the transcribed text for accuracy after dictating. Make any necessary edits or corrections manually using the keyboard.

Step 7: Finalize and Send: After you are happy with the content, you can either send the email or save it as a draft.

How to Dictate your emails in Outlook on Android? 

Open Outlook App: Launch the Outlook app on your Android-based device and sign in to your account if not already signed in.

Compose or Open an Email: Tap the "+" icon or select an existing email to reply to.

Activate Dictation:

  • Tap on the body of the email where you want to start dictating.
  • Locate and tap the microphone icon on the keyboard. This will activate the dictation mode.

Begin Speaking: Start speaking clearly and naturally once the dictation mode is active. Your speech will be transcribed into text.

Punctuation and Commands: Similar to iOS, add punctuation or formatting by speaking the desired command aloud.

Review and Edit: Review the transcribed text for accuracy and make necessary edits or corrections using the keyboard.

Send or Save: After finalizing the content, send the email or save it as a draft.

How to Enable Auto Punctuation in Outlook? 

Enable auto punctuation for voice to text Outlook with these easy steps:

How to Enable Auto Punctuation in Outlook? 

Step 1: Open Outlook App: To start, open the Outlook app on your device. Once you've done that, sign in to your account.

Step 2: Activate Dictation: You can do this in two ways:

  • While composing an email or text, tap on the mic icon on the keyboard to activate the dictation mode.
  • Just speak naturally, pause briefly after finishing a sentence, or before you want to add any punctuation.

Step 3: Enable Auto Punctuation: Sometimes, the dictation feature might automatically insert common punctuation marks (such as periods or question marks) when it detects pauses in your speech. However, please note that this behavior can differ depending on the version of Outlook and the app settings you're using.

How to Dictate Punctuation in Outlook? 

Here are the steps for how to dictate punctuation in Outlook voice to text: 

Step 1: Activate Speech-to-Text Outlook Dictation: While composing an email or text in Outlook, tap on the mic icon on the keyboard to enable dictation.

Step 2: Speak Punctuation Commands: To include specific punctuation, simply say the desired punctuation out loud. For example, say "period" for a full stop, "comma" for a comma, "question mark" for a question mark, and so on.

Step 3: Pause and Speak Clearly: Take a brief pause and enunciate the punctuation command, allowing the dictation system to detect and add the correct punctuation.

Step 4: Review and Edit: Once you finish dictating, take the time to carefully review the text to ensure the punctuation is accurate. If any mistakes were made, make the necessary edits or corrections manually.

How a Virtual Assistant Can Help?

Imagine your virtual assistant as your trusty sidekick, much like Alfred to Batman. With a simple command, you can have your assistant transcribe your thoughts into coherent emails on Outlook.

virtual assistant benefits

Let's explore how virtual assistants are crucial in helping you make the most of the Outlook speech to text tools.

Setting Up Dictation Tools

Virtual assistants are experts in setting up and enhancing dictation tools such as speech recognition software and virtual keyboards. They make sure that these tools seamlessly work on multiple devices and platforms, and they can even personalize the settings to match individual preferences.

Providing Training and Guidance

They provide extensive assistance in effectively utilizing dictation features. Whether explaining commands and shortcuts or demonstrating best practices, virtual assistants help users make the most of these tools.

Troubleshooting Assistance

If you encounter any technical glitches or face challenges while using dictation tools, virtual assistants are here to help! They offer quick troubleshooting support, diagnose problems, and apply necessary fixes. They aim to ensure you can continue using the tools seamlessly, minimizing any downtime and frustration you may experience.

Other Outlook Tasks to Delegate to a Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants offer a myriad of support for Outlook, going beyond handling dictation Outlook. They are incredibly versatile and can help with various tasks, enhancing productivity and organization. Let's explore the various responsibilities that these skilled professionals can handle within the Outlook ecosystem.

Email Management and Sorting

When you delegate email management to virtual assistants, they can help you easily categorize, prioritize, and organize your inbox. They will filter important messages for you and flag any urgent ones, ensuring your inbox stays organized and easy to navigate.

Scheduling Meetings and Appointments

Virtual assistants are highly skilled in handling your calendar management needs using Outlook. They can efficiently schedule, coordinate, and manage all of your appointments. They also excel in communicating with all relevant parties involved and ensuring that everything is seamlessly integrated into your agenda.

Inbox Cleanup and Organization

Virtual assistants work with precision and dedication to tidy up your inbox. They'll archive those old emails, create handy folders for easy categorization, and even implement smart strategies to keep your email environment organized and clutter-free. Say goodbye to inbox overload!

Responding to Routine Emails

Handling routine emails can be time-consuming. Virtual assistants efficiently handle these tasks by drafting responses based on guidelines or templates, freeing up your time to focus on more important tasks.

Setting Reminders and Notifications

Using Outlook's features, virtual assistants can create reminders and notifications to keep track of important deadlines, meetings, or follow-ups, ensuring no task is forgotten.

Why is Wishup the best place to hire a Virtual Assistant?

wishup virtual assistants

Wishup is a leading virtual assistant service provider offering customized solutions by connecting clients with highly skilled professionals. Known for our unwavering commitment to excellence and seamless support, Wishup helps streamline workflows, boost productivity, and empower businesses with top-tier virtual assistance. Our VAs know how to enable dictate in Outlook 365 and can handle other issues related to it as well. 

Here are some of the reasons why choosing Wishup is the best choice for you: 

Exclusive recruiting of the top 0.1% of applicants

At Wishup, we take great pride in handpicking the top 0.1%! This meticulous selection process guarantees that our virtual assistants are highly skilled and accomplished professionals.

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With Wishup, the onboarding of your virtual assistant becomes a breeze. Our quick and efficient process guarantees that your support system will be up and running in just 24 hours. Say goodbye to any delays in accessing assistance!

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At Wishup, we understand everyone has personal preferences and needs regarding virtual assistants. That's why we offer you the freedom to choose between Indian and US-based virtual assistants.

Get pre-trained and upskilled virtual assistants 

At Wishup, our virtual assistants are pre-trained and constantly updated on the latest tools and technologies. This means they are well-equipped to handle a wide range of tasks, making them both efficient and effective.

We offer a dedicated Account Manager 

Clients receive the added advantage of having a committed account manager who offers tailored assistance, guaranteeing a seamless and fruitful partnership between clients and their virtual assistants.

Reliable and quick replacement policy

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So there you go! That was all about the power of using dictation in Outlook to completely transform your productivity! With this amazing feature, you can communicate completely hands-free, which boosts your ability to compose emails, manage tasks, and organize your calendar.

And the benefits don't stop there – delegating tasks to a virtual assistant will take your efficiency to a new level. Ready to experience seamless support and unlock enhanced productivity? Schedule a free consultation or email us at [email protected] 


Dictation in Outlook: Frequently Asked Questions 

How do I enable dictation in Outlook?

To activate dictation in Outlook, follow these steps: Open a new email, then place your cursor within the email body. Look for the microphone icon on the toolbar, or use handy keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl + D.

Does Outlook have text to speech?

While Outlook doesn't have its built-in text-to-speech feature, it does support something pretty cool called speech-to-text dictation! This means you can speak your words out loud and transform them into written text.

Does Microsoft Office have a dictation feature?

Yes! Microsoft Office applications, including Outlook, have a dictation feature that lets you effortlessly transform your speech into written text. It's incredibly handy!

Why is Outlook dictation not working?

Outlook's dictation feature might encounter problems due to microphone settings, internet connectivity issues, or system glitches. To get the best performance, ensure your microphone is properly configured, and you have a reliable internet connection.