How to Use Morphing in PowerPoint: A Quick Guide

How to Use Morphing in PowerPoint: A Quick Guide

Creating smooth transitions in presentations is essential for enhancing their effectiveness and professionalism.

However, adding transitions in a presentation can be a hassle.

One valuable tool that facilitates seamless transitions is PowerPoint's Morph feature. 

Presenters can effortlessly generate dynamic movement, flow, and transformation effects between slides by leveraging the Morph transition, resulting in more engaging and visually appealing presentations. 

This concise guide will provide a step-by-step walkthrough of using the PowerPoint Morph feature. It aims to empower users, regardless of their proficiency level – beginners or experienced individuals – to craft captivating and visually impressive presentations that effectively captivate their audience.

Let's see how to morph text in PowerPoint and make cool PowerPoint transitions.

What is the Morph Transition in PowerPoint?

Morph Transition

The Morph transition in PowerPoint is a highly effective tool that enables users to generate seamless and fluid animations between slides. This feature allows for the effortless transformation and animation of elements, including text, images, shapes, and slide layouts.

One of the critical advantages of utilizing the PowerPoint Morph transition is its ability to enhance the visual coherence of your presentation. By seamlessly connecting slides, this feature gives your presentation a more dynamic and polished appearance. Moreover, it eliminates the hassle of employing intricate animations or manually transitioning between slides. Instead, Morph intelligently analyzes the movement and alterations between slides, generating a captivating and visually appealing transition.

Types of Morphing

types of morphing

Morphing, a dynamic presentation technique, offers several ways to transform elements and create visually captivating effects. Here are five types of morphing that you can apply to enhance your presentations:

Object Morphing

This type of morphing focuses on transforming individual objects within a slide. You can achieve a seamless transition by smoothly moving, resizing, or rotating objects from one slide to another. For example, you can morph a circle into a square or transform an image into a different shape.

Text Morphing

Text morphing enables you to animate the transformation of text elements. This feature lets you morph the size, font, color, or position of text between slides, making it an effective tool for emphasizing key points or creating eye-catching effects.

Image Morphing

With image morphing, you can smoothly transition between two or more images. This technique can be applied creatively to convey a visual story or to compare concepts or objects. For instance, you can morph an image of a seed into a fully grown plant or transform one landscape into another.

Slide Layout Morphing

This type of morphing allows for animating the entire slide layout, including its elements and arrangement. You can create visually stunning transformations between slides by changing multiple objects' positions, sizes, or properties within a slide layout.

Shape Morphing

Shape morphing enables you to transform one shape into another, resulting in visually appealing animations. For instance, you can morph a square into a triangle or smoothly transform a complex shape into a simpler one.

You can add a captivating touch by incorporating these various types of morphing into your presentations. This will better the visual impact of your slides and engage your audience more effectively.


Benefits of Morphing Transitions 

Morphing transitions offer numerous advantages that can enhance your presentations' visual appeal and overall quality. Let's have a look at them -

Enhanced Visual Appeal

Firstly, they add visual appeal, captivating your audience with smooth text, images, and shapes animations. This creates a more engaging experience for your viewers.

Seamless Flow

Morphing transitions help create a seamless flow between slides. Instead of abrupt changes, Morph allows for gradual transformations, giving your presentation a polished and professional look.

Emphasize Key Points

One of the critical benefits of Morph is its ability to emphasize important concepts or key points. By animating the changes between slides, you can help your audience understand the connection between ideas and focus on critical information.

Storytelling Capabilities

Morphing transitions enable you to tell a visual story within your presentation. You can convey narratives, transformations, or comparisons through creative morphing of images or shapes, making your content more memorable and impactful.

Simplified Animation

Morph simplifies the animation process by eliminating the need for complex and time-consuming animations. With just some simple steps, you can achieve impressive effects with Morph animation that gives the illusion of intricate movement or transformation.


Morph transition PowerPoint is time-saving. By automatically analyzing the changes between slides, Morph reduces the effort and time required to create visually appealing presentations.

Widely Compatible

Morphing transitions are widely compatible with both PowerPoint for Windows and PowerPoint for Mac. This ensures that your presentations can be seamlessly shared and viewed across different platforms while maintaining the visual integrity of your designs.

By leveraging the benefits of Morphing transitions, you can elevate the visual effect of your presentations, intrigue your audience, and deliver your message with clarity and style.

PowerPoint Morph requirements

So, how to use PowerPoint Morph transition? 

To fully utilize the Morph PowerPoint transition, it is crucial to consider a few key requirements.

  • Firstly, the Morph transition is available only to those with an active Office 365 subscription. Users with older versions of PowerPoint may not have access to this feature.
  • Secondly, the Morph transition is compatible with various operating systems, including Windows, Mac, and PowerPoint Mobile. PowerPoint 2019, PowerPoint 2016, or newer versions are necessary for Windows users. Mac users require PowerPoint 2019 for Mac or a more recent version.
  • Thirdly, Morph works well with different types of content, such as shapes, images, text boxes, and SmartArt graphics. However, some aspects, like 3D models, embedded videos, and charts, may not be compatible with this transition.
  • Next, for Morph to function correctly, the slides you want to transition between should have similar layout structures. This ensures that Morph can accurately identify and animate the changes between slides.
  • Lastly, it is crucial to maintain a clear and consistent slide design to achieve smoother and more coherent transitions. Morph relies on the visual relationships between objects on slides, so a consistent design language will significantly help achieve the desired effects.

By paying attention to these requirements, users can maximize the benefits and functionality and learn to use Morph in PowerPoint.

How to set up a Morph transition

So, how to Morph in PPT? 

setting up a morph transition

Incorporating a Morph transition into your PowerPoint presentations can elevate them with a dynamic and polished touch. This feature enables seamless animations and transformations between slides, lending your visual content an engaging and professional quality. To learn how to use Morph in PPT, follow these simple steps:

1. Launch PowerPoint and open the presentation where you want to apply the Morph transition.

2. To begin, right-click on the slide you want to morph from and choose "Duplicate Slide." This will help create a copy of the slide.

3. Once you have the duplicated slide, make the necessary changes by moving, resizing, or adding elements such as text, images, or shapes. It's essential to keep the morphing elements consistent between slides.

4. Navigate to the "Transitions" tab on the PowerPoint ribbon. Select the duplicated slide and click on the "Morph" transition option.

5. To see how the Morph transition looks, you have two options: either run the slideshow or use the "Preview" function in the Transitions tab. This will allow you to view the Morph transition in action. If needed, you can adjust the timing or arrangement of the morphing elements.

6. Before finalizing your presentation, it's crucial to test the Morph transition by playing through the entire presentation. This will ensure everything is working as required. Once you're satisfied with the results, remember to save your presentation to preserve the Morph transition settings.


Using Morph Transitions to Move an Object

If you want to add smooth and seamless movements to objects in your PowerPoint slides, the Morph transition is a powerful tool. 

Follow these instructions to learn how to use the Morph transition to move an object within your presentation:

1. Launch PowerPoint and open the desired presentation where you want to apply the Morph transition.

2. Right-click on the slide that contains the object you wish to move and select "Duplicate Slide." This action will generate a duplicate of the slide.

3. On the duplicated slide, relocate the object to the desired new position. You have various options, such as using the arrow keys, drag-and-drop functionality, or alignment tools. Choose the method that best suits your preference and ensures precise positioning.

4. Move to the "Transitions" tab on the PowerPoint ribbon. Select the duplicated slide and click on the "Morph" transition option.

5. To observe the Morph transition in action, run the slideshow or use the "Preview" option. This will allow you to see how the object moves and make any necessary adjustments to its timing or positioning.

6. To ensure the desired results, thoroughly test the presentation by playing through it. Make sure the object moves as intended. Finally, save your presentation to retain the Morph transition.

Following these steps, you can effortlessly apply the Morph transition in PowerPoint, resulting in visually appealing animations that enhance your overall presentation.

Using Morph Transitions to Zoom in on an Object

To zoom in on an object using Morph transitions in PowerPoint, follow these steps:

1. Begin by opening PowerPoint and opening the presentation that contains the object you want to zoom in on.

2. Duplicate the slide that contains the object. You can do this by right-clicking on the slide and selecting "Duplicate Slide."

3. Enlarge the object on the duplicated slide. You can scale it up using the resizing handles or adjust its properties in the "Format" tab.

4. Apply the Morph transition. Go to the "Transitions" tab and select the duplicated slide. Then, choose the "Morph" transition option to apply it.

5. Next, preview and refine the zoom effect. Run the slideshow or use the "Preview" option to see how the zoom animation looks. If necessary, make adjustments to the object's size or positioning.

6. Lastly, test and save your presentation. Play through the entire presentation to ensure that the zoom animation works as intended. Finally, remember to keep your presentation to preserve the Morph transition settings.

Using the Morph transition in PowerPoint for Android

The Morph transition feature in PowerPoint for Android can significantly enhance the visual appeal of your presentations by creating smooth animations between slides. To make the most out of this feature on your Android device and learn Morph transition Google slides, here are the steps you need to follow:

1. Check Compatibility: Ensure you have the latest version of PowerPoint installed on your Android device to access the Morph transition feature.

2. Create or Open a Presentation: Open PowerPoint for Android and create a new presentation or open an existing one where you want to use the Morph transition.

3. Duplicate Slides: Right-click on the slide you want to duplicate and select "Duplicate Slide" to create a copy of it.

4. Customize the Duplicated Slide: Modify the duplicated slide by adding, modifying, or rearranging elements to create the desired animation effect.

5. Apply the Morph Transition: Tap the "Transition" tab and select the duplicated slide. Then, choose the "Morph" transition option to apply it.

6. Preview and Adjust: Run the slideshow or use the "Preview" option to review the Morph transition. Adjust the timing or design elements to achieve the desired effect if necessary.

By following these steps, you can learn PowerPoint, how to use Morph for Android, and create visually engaging presentations that captivate your audience.

Adding, changing, and removing transitions between slides

If you want to improve your PowerPoint presentation's flow and visual appeal, consider adding transitions between slides. Making changes or removing transitions can also help you achieve the desired effect. To assist you with this, here is a step-by-step guide on how to add, change, or remove transitions between slides:

1. Launch PowerPoint: Open PowerPoint on your device and open the presentation where you want to work on the transitions.

2. Select Slides: On the left-hand side, you'll find slide thumbnails. Click on the slides you want to apply transitions to. You can select multiple slides at once.

3. Add Transition: Locate the "Transitions" tab on the PowerPoint ribbon. Here, you'll find various transition options. Browse through the available transitions, and once you've made your selection, click on it to apply it to the selected slides.

4. Change Transition: If you wish to alter a transition, choose the slide you want to modify and navigate to the "Transitions" tab. From there, select a different transition effect from the provided options.

5. Remove Transition: Select the slide containing the transition you want to remove to eliminate a transition. In the "Transitions" tab, you'll find a "None" option. Click on it, and the transition effect will be removed from that slide.

6. Preview and Adjust: To see how the transitions look in your presentation, you can either run the slideshow or use the "Preview" option available in the Transitions tab. If necessary, make any adjustments until you achieve the desired outcome.

By following these simple steps, you can effortlessly add, change, or remove transitions between slides in PowerPoint. This will allow you to personalize and refine the transition effects in your presentation, making it more engaging and visually appealing.

Viewing Morph effects in a slide show

If you want to see Morph effects in a slide show, here is a step-by-step guide:

1. Open PowerPoint: Start by launching PowerPoint and opening the presentation that contains the Morph effects you want to see.

2. Set Slide Show: Go to the "Slide Show" tab on the ribbon once in PowerPoint. From there, you can choose either "From Beginning" or "From Current Slide" to start the slide show.

3. Navigate through slides: To move from one slide to another, use the arrow keys on your keyboard, press the spacebar, or simply click on the slides. As you do so, the Morph effects will automatically animate and create smooth transitions between the slides where they are applied.

4. Observe Morph effects: Closely note the transitions between slides. The Morph effects generate dynamic animations and transformations, resulting in seamlessly blended visual impact.

5. Finish slide show: Continue navigating through the slides until you reach the end of your presentation.

By following these steps, you'll be able to enjoy the Morph effects in your slide show. Your PowerPoint presentation will be enhanced with visually appealing animations and captivating transitions.

Morph Transitions: Best Tips

Want to nail those decks? Here's how:

best tips for morphing

Simplify for Professional and Visually Appealing Presentations

To create a more polished and visually pleasing presentation, avoiding using too many complex animations or excessive movements with the Morph transition is best. Instead, opt for simple and subtle transitions that can elevate the overall quality of your presentation.

Plan and Preview for Seamless Transitions

Before implementing the Morph transition, take the time to plan out the sequence and movements of objects between slides. By carefully considering the flow and transitions, you can ensure a smooth and seamless experience for your audience. Utilize the "Preview" option to confirm that the transitions appear seamless and professional.

Maintain Cohesion and Consistency

To create a cohesive and consistent presentation, it is essential to use the Morph transition consistently throughout your slides. Avoid mixing multiple transition effects within the same presentation, as this can detract from the overall visual appeal and professionalism.

Optimize Object Selection

Select and use objects with similar shapes or appearances on different slides for optimal results with the Morph transition. Objects with significant differences may not produce effective transitions. You can create more seamless and visually appealing animations by choosing similar objects.

Ensure Precise Object Positioning

To achieve accurate and visually pleasing animations, it is crucial to ensure that objects are precisely positioned on both the starting and ending slides. Take advantage of alignment tools and guides to maintain consistency in positioning throughout your presentation.

Follow Proper Slide Duplication

When creating the Morph effect, it is necessary to duplicate slides and position objects correctly on the duplicate slide before applying the transition. This step ensures that the Morph transition functions as intended and delivers the desired impact to your presentation.

how to use the Morph feature on PowerPoint

Virtual Assistance for The Best Transitions

The role of a virtual assistant is essential when it comes to providing remote support and assistance. In the context of using Morphing in PowerPoint, there are several tasks that a virtual assistant can perform to help:

  • Your virtual assistant will stay up-to-date on the latest PowerPoint features and trends, ensuring the usage of best practices and innovative techniques with Morph transitions.
  • They can provide insights and suggestions on incorporating Morph transitions to enhance the storytelling aspect of your presentations.
  • A virtual assistant can collect data and analyze the impact and effectiveness of Morph transitions in your presentations, generating reports and recommendations.
  • They can conduct training sessions to educate you on effectively utilizing Morph transitions, covering techniques and best practices.
  • Collaborating with your virtual assistant can help refine morphing techniques, aligning them with specific goals and objectives for your presentation.
  • Your virtual assistant can research and explore online resources, such as tutorials and articles, to discover advanced techniques for using Morph transitions in PowerPoint.
  • Your virtual assistant will provide continuous support and troubleshooting assistance for any challenges or issues related to Morphing effects in your PowerPoint presentations.

Wishup: For All Your Powerpoint Tasks

Wishup is a virtual assistant service that offers a diverse range of administrative and support tasks. Wishup provides numerous advantages for individuals looking for assistance with their PowerPoint tasks. Let's have a look at what these benefits are -

Experience cost-effective services

At Wishup, we understand the importance of being cost-effective when seeking assistance with PowerPoint tasks. That's why we offer competitive rates to provide our users with a cost-effective solution.

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Using Morph in PowerPoint can effectively enhance your presentations' visual impact and storytelling abilities. 

Wishup, an eminent virtual assistant company, is here to help if you require assistance with the process. Whether you need guidance on creating and duplicating slides or refining morphing techniques to align with your presentation goals, Wishup is dedicated to optimizing your PowerPoint presentations.

Contact us for a complimentary consultation or email us at [email protected].

FAQs For Morphing In Powerpoint

Is Morph free in PowerPoint?

Morph is a complimentary tool available for use in PowerPoint. It comes as an integral feature in Microsoft Office 365 subscriptions and PowerPoint versions released from 2016 onwards.

What version is morph in PowerPoint?

Morph can be accessed in PowerPoint versions starting from 2016. This feature is a standard component in Microsoft Office 365 subscriptions, PowerPoint 2016, PowerPoint 2019, and PowerPoint for Microsoft 365. It is compatible with both Windows and Mac platforms.

How do you add morph in PowerPoint Mobile?

First, open your PowerPoint presentation in PowerPoint Mobile and select the specific slide to which you want to apply the Morph transition. Locate the "..." menu at the top-right corner of the screen and tap on it. From the menu that appears, choose "Transitions," and here, you will find various transition options. Select "Morph" for the particular slide.