Problems Businesses Face In Hiring Software Testers And How Wishup Can Help

Problems Businesses Face In Hiring Software Testers And How Wishup Can Help

Hiring good talent has never been easy, with the challenge growing multi-fold when it comes to hiring talent for tech roles, especially in the software development sector.

For a software to be successful, it needs to meet user requirements and provide a superior UX experience that makes using the software easy and without any bugs. That is something only good Software Testers can help you achieve with their skills, perseverance, and dedication to get to the root of what's causing the software to fail in its objectives.


Unfortunately, as with other tech roles, hiring good Software Testers is very challenging. It requires hours sifting through tech resumes, shortlisting good candidates, and conducting multiple interviews and tests before you get the best QA tester suited for your industry. But the journey does not end there, as more often than not, by the time you have finished finalizing your candidate, he may have already accepted an offer elsewhere.

Leaving you with no option but to go through the entire process again.

That, again, is just one of the problems businesses face in hiring Software Testers.

Attracting the best talent, ensuring your offer is competitive, and training and onboarding new hires are some of the other challenges business owners face while hiring a QA analyst.

Fortunately, there is a viable solution to these problems, i.e., qa outsourcing from Wishup, one of the best software testing outsourcing company.

To get you going, we highlight some challenges you could face in hiring Software Testers for your company and how Wishup can help.

Challenges that businesses face in hiring Software Testers

There is a talent shortage

Although the lack of qualified workers in the tech sector is already widely acknowledged, this problem also has other root causes. It is rather the lack of tech graduates and professionals with the appropriate skill set. Exploring no code platforms can offer an alternative solution to help people with diverse backgrounds contribute effectively in the tech industry.

Demand for professionals in the IT industry is rising more quickly than the pool of skilled testers. According to Cyberstates data, there were 3.9 million employer job postings for tech occupations in the United States in 2020, with only less than half of candidates having computer science degrees available to fill these positions.

When hiring a QA analyst, you might get many applications but still have trouble finding one because most might not have the necessary experience.

The most frequently encountered skill sets recruiters find challenging to hire are analytics, big data, security, and legacy systems, particularly in the context of legacy system modernization. Finding a well-equipped QA engineer becomes even more difficult because more than half of testing professionals with a good skill set are already employed.


Battling it out with other tech firms

Every business aspires to hire the best employees. But unfortunately, great talent is difficult to find, inevitably leading to cutthroat competition between businesses. Moreover, making consistently good hires for smaller businesses becomes difficult when tech giants enter the picture.

Employers must compete with these giants, other big businesses, and smaller firms in today's talent-driven market.

Because too many businesses fight for the same pool of tech candidates, strategies that were once used to find candidates are no longer effective. Nearly all businesses require software testing experts, and every business offers different incentives to entice the top candidates.

Furthermore, large organizations are unquestionably better equipped than smaller startups to provide better working conditions, so candidates are much more attracted to them.

The dilemma of management

It can be challenging to persuade the upper management in many software firms that adding more testers is a necessary business investment. Unfortunately, many excuses are given for not hiring testers, which makes all existing testers (as well as many developers) wonder how many myths about testing decision-makers can accept.

Seniors may believe that their developers are sufficiently skilled to address app bugs or that hiring testers will be expensive. Any business bases its decisions on cost, risk, and reward potential. When the risk of bankruptcy is present, the question becomes – can you afford to work without competent testers?

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Long traditional hiring processes

"The early bird gets the worm," as the saying goes.

Finding top talent is challenging. It typically takes much work to thoroughly assess candidates' skill sets, determine whether they fit the company's culture, and find people who share those values. Furthermore, the best candidates for the job might be lost due to conventional hiring procedures.

You must act quickly to connect with highly qualified candidates as they are scarce. Unfortunately, more than half of job seekers in today's market are impatient, so even if they have their ideal job, they are prepared to quit if they have to wait too long for a response.

Due to this circumstance, many large businesses find hiring top candidates challenging, despite having well-known brands and ideal workplaces.

High hiring and compensation costs

Many people and businesses, especially when hiring Software Testers, likely underestimate the complexities of recruitment. However, finding a suitable tester requires patience, time, skill, and money, and recruitment costs are among the most essential factors when businesses begin hiring.

According to a study, the average salary for a QA tester is $70-100k per year.

When joining a new company, tech candidates are known to expect high salaries and benefits. Unfortunately, due to the scarcity of qualified testers, businesses are also forced to pay more and yet risk hiring Software Testers who might not be a good fit. While it is not a great deal for large corporations, it can impede the success of startups and small businesses.

Obstacles to offshoring

An excellent way to save time, money, and other resources is to do qa outsourcing internationally, but this comes with its own bunch of difficulties. Starting off, arranging for interviews and preliminary screening can be challenging, depending on where the candidates are located. In addition, finding a schedule that works for both parties is difficult due to the candidate's and the company's different time zones.

Additionally, candidates from abroad may have communication problems, particularly those from nations where English is not the official language. The performance of tech talent could be impacted by cultural and educational disparities, which are inevitable.

Although there may be a larger pool of tech talent overseas, management in charge of hiring an offshore development team should know the skill set needed for the position and keep a watchful eye during the hiring process.

Candidate unreliability

Nothing should be taken for granted when looking to hire a Software Tester. Take the interaction with the candidates, for instance. It's possible that a candidate won't be loyal to the deal you give them. Usually, many of them try to get several offers and stall you.

This behavior is still understandable. Some individuals even use your offer as leverage to secure a better deal elsewhere. But, unfortunately, you cannot directly stop it, leaving aside the morality of such behavior.

Due to this, there is a low likelihood that selected candidates will accept a position on the team. Startups find it challenging in such a scenario to continuously drain their resources and eagerly pursue numerous leads for the same position.

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Lack of tech expertise to evaluate candidates

Another common and under-acknowledged tech hiring challenge is a lack of required technical expertise - the right experience and skills - among the existing team members. An understanding of tech is essential when evaluating testers, and a lack of it often leads to lower standards.

Even large corporation HR departments may lack the technical expertise to evaluate testers, often relying on basic keyword matching. The apparent result is a bad hire, which leads to lost opportunity costs.

When hiring Software Testers, hiring managers should keep all these difficulties in mind to enhance the recruitment process and the value of their job offers to tech talent.

Read the blog: Get Dedicated Software Testers Today| Hire Now

The only way to avoid the hassle of hiring, however, is to use software testing services for these laborious and time-consuming hiring processes. According to findings from a Glassdoor study, the US average interview process for all tech jobs lasts 22.9 days. The hiring time is consequently very high in the US.

Although these statistics pertain to tech jobs, hiring procedures take time for every profile. Software testing outsourcing company aids businesses in expanding and launching high-quality products with less expensive salaries and quicker onboarding.

How Can Wishup Help?

Building or improving a software testing team can be as challenging as building your product team, if not more difficult. It is a long, erratic, time-consuming, and expensive hiring process, with no assurance of the end performance.

Wishup provides a speedy, risk-free, and affordable qa outsourcing that effortlessly meets your business's requirements, whether you are looking for just one Software Tester or a complete team.

Some of the benefits your business can enjoy by using software testing services from Wishup are:

Faster onboarding: Wishup helps you hire a qualified, well-trained, pre-vetted QA engineer in as little as 24 hours. Since you won't have to spend hours and days interviewing every candidate, hiring becomes hassle-free and more efficient.

Affordable QA outsourcing solutions: To test their software, tech companies need well-experienced and expert Software Testers, which can be pretty expensive to hire, especially in your initial days when you are just starting and have limited resources.

Wishup offers affordable qa outsourcing solutions with its remote software testing services. Moreover, you don’t need to invest in an office setup or pay the overheads usually associated with an in-house employee. That can leads to considerable savings, which can be used to grow your business.

Get a committed team member: Unlike freelancers, Wishup’s Software Testers will be an integral part of your team. Clients can quickly interview and select a Software Tester based on their specific project requirements from our pool of experienced and skilled professionals.

Once assigned to a client, our Software Testers take complete ownership of the project and ensure that all their commitments and deadlines are met.

Technical expertise: Wishup has a rigorous screening process that ensures only the top 1% of tech talent joins the organization. That ensures you work with only the best Software Testers who can contribute positively to your project.

Benefit from professional experience: Our Software Testers have considerable experience and expertise in software testing, making them immensely valuable to your organization.

Flexible hiring options: With Wishup, you enjoy the flexibility of qa outsourcing just for a few weeks or months based on your project. We do not bind you with long-term contracts. Moreover, based on your project requirements, you can scale up your team as and when required.

A No Questions Asked Refund/Replacement Policy: We have immense confidence in the ability of our Software Testers, which is why we offer a no questions asked refund/replacement policy, just in case you are not satisfied with the performance of our Software Testers.

Hiring remote Software Testers is the way ahead for businesses to grow

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Today's tech job market is different from the market of the past, and employers cannot sit with their feet up and wait for applicants to come pleading for a job. In the end, finding and securing the best candidates requires much effort.

With the proper steps, the challenges in software testing recruitment can be easily overcome. However, sometimes, the time and resources required for recruitment can be too much for the internal HR department to handle.

In such scenarios, Wishup is the best solution for your Software Tester needs. The freedom, flexibility, and benefits you can enjoy upon hiring a Software Tester from Wishup are second to none. To know more about our Software Testers, email us at [email protected] to schedule a free consultation.