Revolutionizing Off-page SEO with SayNine - Georgi Mamajanyan

Our guest today is a special one. Being a long-time partner with Wishup, Georgi and his team of SEO ninjas have always over-delivered to achieve results and meet timelines.

Revolutionizing Off-page SEO with SayNine - Georgi Mamajanyan
Georgi Mamajanyan

Our guest today is a special one. Being a long-time partner with Wishup, Georgi and his team of SEO ninjas have always over-delivered to achieve results and meet timelines.

With my experience working with his team for over a year, I can genuinely say that they are on the road to achieving greatness.

Georgi comes from Armenia, a small country with rich culture. After graduating from Jean Moulin (Lyon III), Georgi started working as an SEO intern and quickly realized his passion for SEO.

Most recently, Georgi Mamajanyan established his company, declaring that SayNine has entered the game. Having achieved this considerable feat at such a young age, we invited Georgi to take some time and share light on his incredible journey and tell us more about his organization.

How did you come up with the brand name SayNine?

We use nine main strategies to acquire backlinks, and there are nine steps that we automate to get the off-page SEO done from keyword research to get the links live. So it was fitting to call it SayNine.

The motivation behind starting the company and how you came up with the idea?

Laziness!! Yep, I found, because I had to deal with tedious manual tasks, which got on my nerves.

When I was an intern back in 2019, I discovered mouse-keyboard automation and the possibilities that a simple Google spreadsheet can do.

Fast-forward to 2022, we use our tools for the majority of Off-page SEO tasks, and we completely banished manual tasks for our agency.

What problems does your company(product) solve for its customers?

We help companies get better rankings with SAAS backlinks. In short, we provide backlinks that are not sold.

Who is your target market? And how do you find your customers?

Our target is SAAS companies that usually have their internal SEO team, and they are aware of the impact of SAAS backlinks. We suck at sales, and we suck at PR, but we rock at Off-Page SEO; when we help our client multiply their traffic, they refer to their friends. This is how we get new customers.

Considering the fierce competition in today’s business world, how would you highlight your company’s competitive advantages? What makes it stand out from the crowd?

Price-Quality-Quantity. The majority of link building agencies

  • Use third-party tools
  • Have to do time-wasting tasks manually
  • Have a strategy that won’t let them scale

We have

  • Our own tools
  • We’ve automated all manual tasks
  • Our strategy can handle almost any amount of links per month, not per client, speaking about the total links provided.

Any early struggles you can think about that you overcame in the business?

I started alone, and at some point, I hired interns. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough finance to afford an office, so we worked remotely, which was hell, to be honest. I had calls with them from 12:00-00:00 and did link-building tasks from 00:00-06:00. This situation lasted 2-3 months. Finally, one day I told our team that if we achieved that week’s plan, we would get an office the next week, the whole team worked till 01:00 AM, and we finally completed our target. This was our first victory as a team.

How has the pandemic affected your business?

Not negatively for sure. When it comes to the pandemic, outsourcing companies should be the last ones to complain. Especially in our case, we made Off-Page SEO affordable which motivates companies to outsource the project instead of hiring new employees.

What do you think are the biggest challenges our industry will face in the next five years?

At some point, all the manual tasks that do not require thinking would be automated, which would create more jobs for developers and would take jobs from people in other fields, such as marketing, finance, etc. As a result, we would have crazy salaries for developers and few jobs in the different areas.

What are you doing to ensure that you grow and develop as a leader?

I make sure that I know the motivation of my teammates always stay as a friend on whom they can lean on. Another critical factor is that I do all my teammates’ daily tasks from time to time to make sure I find some better ways to automate and optimize their job.

Your team has been working with Wishup on a few SEO projects. How has your experience been working with Wishup?

Wishup has been one of Saynine’s most adorable partners; Crispino’s name is mentioned in our office on a daily much more than he could expect.

What advice would you give to start-up entrepreneurs out there?

You are no longer a link builder, developer, marketing specialist, or fitness coach from the day you become CEO. Instead, find good people with whom you are ready to share your day for years; it’s easier to teach a profession rather than to teach being a good person.


Well, that was truly amazing getting an insight into the mind of a young entrepreneur who plans to automate his way to the top.

A big thank you to Georgi for taking the time to answer the questions. And also to his team members Arpi and Arman for being the hardworking professionals they indeed are.

As a bonus, Georgi has outlined three important tips to consider when opening an SEO agency in 2022. Link to the video below.

Click here for the video