SEO Secrets That No-One Wants To Reveal-Tips & Tricks

The quest for SEO hacks has intensified more than ever in today's virtual world. Check out these SEO secrets the no-one wants to reveal that can help improve your website's visibility in no time.

SEO Secrets That No-One Wants To Reveal-Tips & Tricks

With 1.8 billion websites, standing out can be a tough toil. SEO is often a scary term, even for marketers because there’s no definitive guide since there’s a whole lot to it. Minute things that are easy to ignore can make critical differences to your rankings. So how can you stand out amongst the intense competition? Check out these SEO hacks that once you figure out can go a long way to steal clicks of other sites:

  • Build Links But Also Relationships

Link building isn’t dead yet, and won’t be for the longest time. What is it? It’s a term to describe the process of building credibility, people link to your website when they believe your business is credible. Backlinks or inbound links are an importing ranking factor for search engines, and an indicator to Google that your content is valuable.

While many SEO experts believe link building techniques are ineffective now, links get you high ranking and that’s core to ace your SEO game. No, we don’t mean begging for links to a gazillion websites, as it defeats the entire purpose in fact that’s where most people go wrong.

The key thing people forget to indulge in is that links are built upon relationships. Connecting your content to real people and websites like local bloggers or influencers in your niche is key to developing long term relationships and better link engagement.

  • Craft Quality Content

This point directly relates to the one above, to attract links from others you need to create such content that does so as well. In fact not just for those who can give you links but also for your audience, creating quality content for your readers that’s unique can also help accumulate social shares.

Not just published for SEO purposes, your content should be relevant to your readers with engaging pieces that require research of latest trends. Another thing you want to be careful about is making sure your content is fresh, when people search on Google, they’re less likely to trust your statistics of 2018.

So don ‘t let your content decay, update it regularly with recent and accurate information. Some tips on how you can do that:

  • Go over the material and assess which parts are no longer relevant. If it needs fixing, modify the article and the year. If it’s completely outdated like a blog featuring hot jobs of 2018 and has no overlap with the ones in 2021, it’s your hint to create a new piece with a new title.

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  • Use The Right Keywords In The Right Places

Every piece of content goes through the same cycle of stages- it competes for rankings, gets some, grows, stops and then eventually dies. Which is why ranking can make all the difference in the world, a Searchmetrics 2015 Ranking factors studies suggest that areas that correlate with high rankings are:

-Using your keyword(s) in your description and text body

-Using the appropriate reading level for your audience

-Using your keywords(s) in your internal and external links

Searchmetrics also found that top-ranking pages contained a 53 percent proportion of relevant terms. In easier terms, phrases that closely relate to your primary topic. So don’t just focus on your primary keyword but make sure to find related words or phrases that can boost your rankings.

Find out through a SERP scan what keywords are bringing traffic to your website, Check out SEO tools in 2021 that can help you with it. To personalise it, it’s best to incorporate long-tail and location based keywords so your audience can know about your company and its service.

Tip: Add long-tail keywords in your main body or page title, if not create content on your blog around those keywords and watch your traffic and leads sky-rocket.

For example, "cheap train tickets" is a longer-tail form of a primary keyword "train tickets". You can use Ahrefs or Semrush to come up with several different long-tail keywords related to your primary keyword.

  • Meet User Expectations

Not meeting the user intent simply means not resulting in the necessary responses from the users. If they browse your page for a while and are unable to find the necessary information, they’re mostly likely to drop off your page and search elsewhere. What happens then, when your page is deserted several times, your bounce rate soars up, eventually bringing your ranking down.

Apart from searchers queries, make sure the user experience is of chief quality too, an easy to navigate website, one that loads quickly and mobile accessibility can be a huge factor in SEO. Better your UX, longer they’re likely to stay, better your rank.

Final Thoughts

While SEO is a complicated process and experts are still trying to wrap their heads around it. The one secret that’s constant is focusing on serving your audience’s needs and taking the right steps to make sure search engines can locate your content effectively. But remember to be patient with SEO, follow the above steps and watch your ranking shoot up!