Crowdfunding Equity: What is it and How to Get it?

Crowdfunding gives businesses a chance to get capital from a wide range of supporters, helping them turn their dreams into reality and get that growth they're after. This blog post'll dive into equity crowdfunding and its importance in entrepreneurship. Read on!

Crowdfunding Equity

Crowdfunding has been a total game-changer in fundraising in recent years. It lets entrepreneurs raise cash for their ventures by selling shares to many individual investors. Crowdfunding gives businesses a chance to get capital from a wide range of supporters, helping them turn their dreams into reality and get that growth they're after.

Crowdfunding equity has also revolutionized the entrepreneurial world by allowing everyday people to invest in promising ventures. This means even if you don't have the resources to be a traditional investor, you can still get involved in early-stage investing and reap the rewards if the business succeeds. It's a great way to democratize the investment process and open up opportunities for small investors,

In this blog post, we'll dive into equity crowdfunding and its importance in entrepreneurship. Read on!

What Is Equity Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding definition

Image source

When it comes to crowdfunding definition, we can say that equity crowdfunding is the method of getting money for a business by having people invest in it. Small investors invest in the business in exchange for a company share.

Equity crowdfunding is different than traditional crowdfunding. Instead of just giving money without expecting a return, investors who contribute to equity crowdfunding become shareholders in the business they are helping. This means small investors who don't have millions can participate in early-stage investing, which used to be the exclusive domain of venture capitalists and angel investors.

Equity crowdfunding is governed by laws and regulations to protect both parties involved: investors and businesses. Governments and financial institutions recognize the potential of crowdfunding but must also prevent fraud and ensure transparency. The legal regulations for equity crowdfunding differ from country to country. But generally, they involve restrictions on how much money can be raised, the maximum investment anyone can make, and what information businesses need to disclose when looking for funding.

How Equity Crowdfunding Works

Equity crowdfunding involves securing small investments from a large group of individuals, usually through an online platform for crowdfunding. As a reward, investors get equity in the company or project they've contributed to. That said, let's understand how crowdfunding works in detail:

The Process of Equity Crowdfunding

  • Preparation for investment: The company or project looking for funds prepares a clear business plan and valuation. Then, they pick an equity crowdfunding platform to run their campaign.
  • Campaign Launch: The company launches its campaign on the selected platform, displaying its business concept, the terms of investment, and the potential returns. They set a funding target and a defined duration for the campaign.
  • Participation of the investors: Potential investors are invited to review the campaign information and evaluate whether to invest. Investors can commit any amount between the minimum and maximum stipulated for the campaign. To ensure a thorough evaluation, investors might consider using tools like ZoomInfo alternatives for comprehensive business insights and market analysis. These platforms offer a diverse range of data that can aid in making informed investment decisions.
  • Funding and Escrow: If the campaign meets its funding goal within the allocated period, the funds will be gathered and held in escrow. The campaign may be canceled if the goal is not achieved and investors' funds are refunded.
  • Issuance of equity: Upon successful funding of the campaign, the company distributes equity shares to the investors in accordance with the investment amount and predetermined conditions.

Types of Investors in Equity Crowdfunding Campaigns

  • Retail investors: These are individual investors who participate in equity crowdfunding campaigns. Retail investors can be anyone interested in investing. It includes everyday individuals to seasoned investors.
  • Accredited investors: These individuals have met certain financial criteria, such as having a high net worth or significant investment experience. These investors get additional investing privileges, allowing them to join equity crowdfunding campaigns that are exclusively available to accredited investors.
  • Institutional investors: Institutional investors include professional investment firms, venture capital funds, or corporate entities. These investors offer not only substantial capital but also expertise which can be invaluable in increasing the chances of success of the campaign.

Equity Crowdfunding vs. Other Types of Crowdfunding

Types of crowdfunding campaigns

Equity crowdfunding stands out from other forms of crowdfunding in that it offers investors equity in exchange for their financial contributions. In this section, we will explore the major differences between equity crowdfunding and other prominent forms of funding.

Donation-based Crowdfunding

In donation-based crowdfunding, individuals provide financial contributions to further a cause or project with no expectation of remuneration. The primary emphasis is on philanthropy and aiding others, and contributors may receive acknowledgments or tokens of gratitude.

Rewards-based Crowdfunding

In rewards-based crowdfunding, investors provide monetary contributions to a campaign in exchange for non-equity rewards. Depending on the campaign or business, these can range from early access to a product to exclusive merchandise or personalized experiences.

Differentiating Factors and Considerations

  • Return on investment: Through equity crowdfunding, investors can gain financial returns in the form of equity ownership in the company. On the other hand, donation-based and rewards-based crowdfunding does not provide monetary rewards.
  • The risk involved: Equity crowdfunding carries a certain degree of financial risk for investors, should the business or project not succeed. Conversely, donation-based and rewards-based crowdfunding has less risk associated with them, as there is no expectation of a monetary return.
  • Types of investors involved: Equity crowdfunding is an attractive option for investors seeking potential financial returns and who are confident in the future success of the business or project. On the other hand, donation-based and rewards-based crowdfunding options have gained popularity among individuals motivated by philanthropy, a desire to contribute to a cause, or the acquisition of exclusive rewards.

Equity Crowdfunding Sites

Equity crowdfunding platforms offer a convenient way for businesses and entrepreneurs to connect with potential investors and secure the necessary funds for their projects or ventures. Here are some of the most popular equity crowdfunding sites:


WeFunder is a leading equity crowdfunding platform that provides investors with a multitude of investment options in startups and small businesses. Particularly dedicated to mission-oriented companies, WeFunder enables individuals to invest in businesses they believe in.

Key Features & Benefits:

  • Large range of investment options
  • Personalized advice on how to manage a successful equity crowdfunding campaign
  • A diverse set of industries and investment types
  • Highly active support team


Fundable is another reliable crowdfunding platform that offers both equity and rewards-based crowdfunding opportunities. In addition to fundraising, Fundable provides businesses with a range of resources and support.

Key Features & Benefits:

  • Invest in both equity and reward-based opportunities
  • Self-managed as well as guided fundraising option
  • Easy-to-navigate platform
  • Fundable has a pool of over 20,000 accredited investors


CircleUp facilitates access to an extensive network of accredited investors with expertise in the consumer industry, enabling startups and retail businesses to connect with accredited investors.

Key Features & Benefits

  • Top-notch tools for data-driven insights
  • A rich network of industry-specific investors
  • Other valuable resources


For those interested in exploring the world of crowdfunding with minimal risk, Republic offers a great solution. Their deals can be accessed for as low as $10. However, the typical holding period on Republic is four to six years, so if you seek shorter-term investments, this might not be your best choice.

Key Features & Benefits:

  • Republic provides investment opportunities in various industries, including art, music, real estate, cryptocurrency, etc.
  • Lower investment minimums
  • Multiple perks for the investors


MicroVentures is one of the oldest equity platform crowdfunding that caters to both accredited and non-accredited investors alike. Non-accredited investors can get started with a minimum of $100, while accredited investors can access exclusive offerings requiring a higher minimum investment.

The website offers a large selection of industries and focuses mainly on consumer-oriented businesses. Investment opportunities are available in areas of rapid growth, like biotechnology.

Key Features & Benefits:

  • Suitable for both accredited and non-accredited investors
  • Both equity and debt investment options
  • All kinds of investors can get started easily.


For fans of Shark Tank, StartEngine is not a new name. Shark Tank's "Mr. Wonderful" - aka Kevin O'Leary - serves as the face of the platform. StartEngine enables a wider range of individuals to partake in both accredited and non-accredited investment opportunities. Additionally, it provides a secondary market for investors who wish to sell their shares.

Key Features & Benefits:

  • Offers both investing and selling options
  • Wide range of investment opportunities
  • Loyal investors can earn exclusive rewards and benefits


Netcapital offers access to both accredited and non-accredited investors. It specializes in connecting investors with early-stage and growth companies, allowing them to invest in promising ventures they are passionate about.

Key Features & Benefits:

  • Investors can track their portfolio performance with the help of advanced tools
  • Accessibility for accredited and non-accredited investors
  • While the platform has all kinds of companies, it specializes in tech startups


SeedInvest (now acquired by StartEngine) is another renowned platform that lists only the most highly vetted and promising companies, focusing on tech startups. This makes it incredibly safe and secure. The platform also has an escrow system that enables investors to make direct transactions without needing an outside broker.

Key Features & Benefits:

  • Highly functional escrow system
  • A large number of experienced investors
  • Have over 700K platform investors


Mainvest is a specialized equity crowdfunding platform focusing on local businesses and community investment. It enables businesses to raise capital from their own communities, fostering a sense of involvement and backing.

Key Features & Benefits:

  • Investment opportunities in various small businesses all across the United States
  • Investors can make decisions according to their interests, location, risk appetite
  • All fully-vetted companies

Pros and Cons of Equity Crowdfunding

Equity crowdfunding presents a viable alternative financing option with increased access to capital for businesses seeking funding. While this approach has numerous advantages, it is important to be aware of the associated risks and considerations. Let's have a look at the pros and cons of equity crowdfunding:

Advantages of Equity Crowdfunding for Businesses

  • Equity crowdfunding allows businesses to access a wider range of potential investors, thereby enhancing their prospects of attaining the necessary funding.
  • By implementing an equity crowdfunding campaign, businesses can evaluate market interest and validate their concept or product.
  • Successful campaigns can create substantial media interest and assist in constructing a devoted group of supporters, thus increasing brand awareness and customer involvement.
  • It is an attractive option for a variety of investors, including those with industry-specific knowledge or a passionate interest in the company's specialty.

Potential Drawbacks and Risks

  • Issuing equity shares to investors can result in a dilution of ownership and control, requiring businesses to comply with the expectations and interests of their investors and thus potentially compromising their autonomy.
  • Investments in early-stage businesses inherently carry a higher risk of failure and investors can lose a significant amount of money if the company fails.
  • Equity crowdfunding requires being transparent and maintaining a two-way dialogue with investors. Failure to deliver on promised milestones or ineffective communication can harm the business's trustworthiness and credibility with investors and the wider industry.

Alternatives to Equity Crowdfunding

If you believe that crowdfunding equity is not the best option for you, other alternatives are also available. Let's have a quick look at them:

Traditional Funding Options for Startups

Traditional funding options include seeking investments from venture capital firms, getting bank loans or lines of credit, or pursuing government grants or subsidies. While these alternatives are pretty popular, they need a more extensive vetting process, and the investor may require a larger portion of ownership for their investment.

Peer-to-Peer Lending and Debt Crowdfunding

Peer-to-peer lending and debt crowdfunding allow businesses to gain access to capital without compromising ownership. However, it is crucial to consider the associated interest rates and repayment terms prior to engaging in either financing option.


Obtaining a loan from a bank is another possibility, for which a well-crafted business plan, security, and a good credit score are essential. Loans can provide businesses with the needed capital and can be repaid gradually. However, it is essential to evaluate the interest rate, conditions, and repayment terms associated with the loan.

How a Virtual Assistant Can Help?

benefits of outsourcing

If you are having trouble arranging your crowdfunding campaign or require additional guidance, hiring a VA can be an excellent option. Here are the major ways in which a VA can help you with crowdfunding.

Researching and Identifying Suitable Equity Crowdfunding Platforms

A virtual assistant can provide professional guidance to businesses by researching and identifying appropriate equity crowdfunding platforms that best fit their industry, target audience, and funding requirements. Furthermore, they can assess platform fees, track records, user reviews, and other key factors to ensure businesses make a well-informed decision.

Assisting with Campaign Planning and Documentation

Virtual assistants can provide an invaluable service in the campaign planning process, assisting with the generation of persuasive pitch materials, formulating an effective marketing strategy, and adhering to all regulatory requirements. Furthermore, they can be invaluable in arranging and preparing the necessary documentation for a successful crowdfunding campaign.

Managing Investor Relations and Communication

Once the campaign is running, a virtual assistant can help maintain investor relations by responding to questions, providing relevant updates, and ensuring prompt and efficient communication with investors. They can also assist in organizing investor meetings or events to foster a positive connection with backers.

Wishup - The Best Platform to Hire Quality Virtual Assistants

Wishup is a top-tier platform that provides businesses and individuals with superior virtual assistant services. By emphasizing excellence in support and assistance, we enable clients to outsource tasks to top-notch VA and optimize their operations. The following are some of the advantages of choosing Wishup:

Wishup benefits

24-hour onboarding

Wishup offers a straightforward, 24-hour onboarding experience that enables clients to start quickly.

Work with the top 0.1% of applicants

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Experts in 70+ no-code tools and 200+ skillsets

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At Wishup, our team handles all legal matters related to employment, contracts, and compliance. So, you can focus on your core business activities without the stress of any potential hassles.

Dedicated account manager

For each client, we allocate a dedicated Account Manager to serve as the main contact for any questions or issues. This Account Manager guarantees efficient communication and coordinates between clients and their Virtual Assistants.

7 Day risk-free trial

Try out our services through our 7-day risk-free trial period. This will give you the necessary information to make an informed decision before committing long-term.

Pre-trained and pre-screened virtual assistants

Wishup's virtual assistants have been pre-trained and pre-screened so that they can comply with the highest quality standards.

3-Step Hiring Process

Wishup hiring process

You can easily hire a VA in three quick steps:

Step 1: Identify areas where you need assistance

Step 2: Once you have identified the area for assistance, sign up for a free consultation at Wishup

Step 3: Select and onboard your VA in 24 hours!


To sum up, equity crowdfunding is a great way for businesses to raise money by getting small contributions from a large number of people. It gives them access to numerous investors, market validation, and the chance to build a base of supporters.

Additionally, hiring a virtual assistant (VA) can be hugely beneficial for companies. VAs offer flexibility, expertise, and efficiency when it comes to administrative and operational tasks, allowing businesses to stay focused on their main activities and increase their productivity.

At Wishup, we offer experienced and pre-screened VAs who can help you with every aspect of your equity crowdfunding campaign. To take the next step in streamlining your business, book a free consultation or get in touch with Wishup [email protected]

Crowdfunding Equity: Frequently Asked Questions

What is crowdfunding equity?

Crowdfunding equity is a form of fundraising where people invest their money in a company and get equity or shares in return. There is no need to rely on venture capitalists or angel investors.

Do you get equity from crowdfunding?

Yes, in crowdfunding, you can get equity or shares in the company you're backing! Unlike regular crowdfunding, where you just donate money with no expectation of profit, equity crowdfunding gives investors a chance to be a shareholder.

Is equity crowdfunding risky?

Just like every other investment, crowdfunding for investors also involves a certain amount of risk. Startups and early-stage ventures carry more risk than established companies. Thus, before investing, it's important to do your research.