What's the importance of a footer in an Email Marketing Campaign?

Ever wondered why email footers are the unsung heroes of your marketing strategy? Discover their pivotal role in building trust, ensuring compliance, and extending engagement in our guide.

What's the importance of a footer in an Email Marketing Campaign?
Photo by Solen Feyissa / Unsplash

When you send emails to your audience, you want them to open and read it, right? So, you work hard on the subject line to avoid spam filters and grab attention. But here's the thing: the whole email needs love, not just the flashy parts.

Enter the email footer. It's like the quiet hero at the end of your email. We're here to explain why it's a big deal and how to make it awesome for your subscribers. From basics to cool examples, we've got you covered. 

Let's dive in!

An email footer is a crucial component of your email for several reasons. Firstly, it serves the practical purpose of ensuring your organization complies with legal requirements. Secondly, it plays a role in making your email more memorable. Also, a well-crafted email footer can prompt recipients to further engage with your brand.

Now is the time if you still need to organize and standardize your email footer. This saves time that would otherwise be spent figuring out where to include basic details in each new email and aligns with customer expectations. Customers anticipate comprehensive email footers, and meeting this expectation can prevent frustration with your brand.

Image showing the email footer of Hubspot


Given that the email footer is the last thing your audience sees before closing your message, its content is pivotal. It should leave a positive and lasting impression on your organization. Incorporating a clear call to action or guiding recipients to additional content through signposts can further encourage the exploration of your brand.

Types of Email Footers

Email footers are versatile and tailored to the specific needs of each campaign, lacking a one-size-fits-all formula. The potential of an email footer extends beyond a mere signature—it can serve as a powerful tool for marketing, product promotion, subscriber engagement, and brand identity development. Here are the different types of email footers to help you understand the importance of email footer:

A foundational requirement for all businesses, these footers ensure compliance with GDPR and the CAN-SPAM Act. Additional information, such as confidentiality disclaimers, can be incorporated for enhanced protection, emphasizing the business-oriented nature.

Branded Email Footers

These footers showcase company values, using elements like logos, slogans, or mascots. They may include awards, proof of environmental responsibility, and links to social media, reflecting the business's personality and benefiting various campaign objectives.

Professional Email Footers

Resembling traditional business cards, professional footers add credibility by featuring the company name, individual's name and position, corporate contact information, and relevant links. Commonly seen in inaugural campaigns, they enhance trustworthiness.

Informational Email Footers

These footers are centered around information and contribute to a larger message or storytelling experience. They may include data supporting content, clarifying details, or specifying rights and obligations. Universally beneficial, they accommodate various campaign types.

Promotional Email Footers

Designed for publicity, customer nurturing, and maximizing conversions, these footers incorporate vibrant elements like banners, call-to-action buttons, app store links, product details, deals, testimonials, and event information. They captivate interest and leverage psychological tricks.

Your email footer is not just a rule follower; the unsung hero elevates your brand, sparks engagement, and quietly guides your audience toward becoming loyal customers.

Importance of an Email Footer

Stay in the Rule Book

Your footer is like the rule keeper. It ensures you're playing by the email communication rules. Important, right?

Boost Brand Image

Throw in your logo, tagline, or anything that screams your brand. It's like a pro move that boosts your brand image and makes subscribers feel confident about you.

Long-term Recognition

Remind your subscribers who you are and what you're all about. It's like planting a seed for long-term recognition. Picture it as your brand's slow and steady climb to success.


People love things that feel personal. So, spice up your footer with recipient details and friendly reminders that they're in control. It's like a personal touch that sparks engagement. Watch those success metrics go up.

Silent Sales Team

Now, here's where it gets exciting. Your footer can be your quiet sales team. Add links and catchy buttons, and guide your readers on the next steps. It's like a roadmap for them, leading to more leads and conversions. 

An email footer is like the finale of your email, hanging out at the bottom. Usually packs in:

  • Contact details
  • Social media links 
  • Legal disclaimers (keeping things legit)
  • Your company's address (so people know where to find you)
  • Unsubscribe link (for the freedom to opt-out out)
 Image showing an example of email footer


Want to level up? Toss in the following: 

  • Preference center (for a personalized touch)
  • More about your company (because you're interested)
  • Your logo and branding (so it's all about you)
  • A snazzy call-to-action (to nudge action)
  • Your phone number (for direct talks)
  • Website link (for more info)
  • Seasonal offers or elements (for that timely flair)

Company Identity Boosters:

  • Company mission (showing the world what you're about) 
  • Promotional banner (because who doesn't love a good promo?)

Now, the serious part. Legally, your email footer needs:

  • Company name (so they know who they're dealing with)
  • Company registration number (for that official stamp)
  • Place of registration (where you're officially based)
  • Registered office address (so they can send you real mail)

Having a strong brand in your email footer is a game-changer. The importance of email footer cannot be understated, as it gives clarity and eliminates uncertainty. When your email carries a branded signature, it's not just a sign-off; it's a trust builder. 

If your recipients recognize your brand, they will respond or get involved.

People like sticking with the familiar, especially in business. A consistent and easily recognizable corporate branding in your email footer creates a comforting environment.  This is why the importance of email signatures is recognized.

importance of branding

It makes folks feel at ease about buying your products or services—like doing business with a trusted friend. Don't play loose with your brand when designing a professional email footer. Stick to those brand guidelines like a pro. 

Following these guidelines ensures your brand is always presented in the best light, making every email reflect your company's identity. 

Creating an email footer is simple if you follow the steps. Let’s get started:

On Gmail

how to add signature in gmail

Source: HubSpot

  • Open Gmail and navigate to the top right corner. Click on Settings, then select "See all settings."
  • In the "Signature" section, you'll find a box where you can add your signature text. Feel free to get creative— you've reached a limit of 10,000 characters.
  • Want to jazz it up? You can change and format your message by adding an image or tweaking the text style. Remember that the image contributes to the character count, so resizing might be needed if you hit a limit.
  • Once you're happy with your signature, scroll down and click "Save Changes." 
  • You can have different signatures for different occasions. Set a default signature for new emails or replies, or mix it up and choose a unique signature for each email you send.

On Outlook

how to create and change signature in outlook

Source: Microsoft

  • Head to the View tab and click on View Settings.
  • Select Accounts, then go to Signatures.
  • Click on New Signature and give it a name that stands out.
  • In the editing box below, type in your signature. 
  • Get creative and format it with the font, color, and styles that match your vibe.
  • Once you're happy with the look, hit Save.
  • With your new footer in the list, go to Select default signatures. Choose where the signature appears – on new messages, replies, and forwards.
  • Don't forget to hit Save one more time to lock in your choices.

Using Readymade Templates

Creating an email footer with readymade templates is easy if you follow the steps. Let’s get started:

Using Canva

how to create a footer in canva

Source: Canva

  • Log into Canva and type 'email footer’ in the search bar. Scroll through the templates until you find one that clicks.
  • Click on the chosen template, hit 'Customize this template,' and dive into the Canva editor.
  • To tweak your template, use the controls and stock media in the 'Elements' and 'Uploads' tabs. Add graphics, upload your logo, adjust sizes—make it yours.
  • Change the sample text to your details. Play with fonts and sizes to match your style. If you want clickable social media icons, create and export them separately in Canva.
  • Click on elements you want in a different color, hit the colors control, and choose your brand hues.
  • When satisfied, head to the 'Share' section, click 'Download,' and pick a file format. The default PNG file should work for most cases.
  • Open your exported signature on your desktop. Ensure everything looks right, especially font sizes. Adjust if needed.
  • Once all is well, upload your masterpiece to your email app—be it Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, or another.

Using Hubspot

Add an email signature in the HubSpot CRM

Source: HubSpot

  • Go to Marketing > Files and Templates > Design Tools in your HubSpot account.
  • Locate your email template and click its name.
  • In the inspector, click + Add, then drag a rich text module into the footer.
  • Select the module, go to Default content, and expand the editor. Add CAN-SPAM info by copying from the default module or manually adding tokens.
  • Use tokens like {{ site_settings.company_name }} for company details and {{ unsubscribe_link }} for unsubscribe links.
  • Insert/edit links for unsubscribe options, allowing recipients to manage preferences or unsubscribe from all.
  • Click More, and select Convert to Global module. Enter a name and click Create.
  • Delete the original Office Location Information module.
  • Click Publish changes to make your template live.
  • Your new rich text module is now a global module, ready for use in any other drag-and-drop templates. Easy as that!

Factors to Consider When Creating an Email Signature

Creating a solid email signature boils down to simplicity. It should be easy to read, avoiding an overload of information that could overwhelm recipients. Here are some factors to consider:


  • Contact information
  • Job details
  • Legal Requirements
  • Pronouns
  • Call to action
  • Links
  • Photos or logos
  • Social media icons
  • Industry disclaimer


  • Colors
  • Fonts
  • Brand style

Tips to Make Your Email Signature Look Professional

Here are some do's and don'ts to guide you:


  • Keep it short: Limit text to 3-4 lines.
  • Prioritize links: Avoid clutter by selecting essential social media or website links.
  • Include an image: A corporate logo or professional headshot instills authority and trust.
  • Use color: Align color and typeface with your company’s branding.
  • Optimize for mobile: Send a test email by ensuring your signature looks good on mobile devices.


  • Avoid email redundancy: Skip adding your email address unnecessarily.
  • Be cautious with contact info: Protect your privacy; avoid sharing personal numbers widely.
  • Steer clear of personal agendas: Keep work signatures professional; save personal interests for personal platforms.
  • Limit fonts: Stick to two fonts at most; skip flashy fonts and animated gifs.

Virtual Assistance for the Ultimate Email Footers

virtual assistant description

A virtual assistant is a remote support professional, and here's how you importance of email footer:

  • Design a branded email footer: Craft a visually appealing footer that resonates with your brand identity.
  • Keep contact information updated: Ensure seamless communication by maintaining accurate contact details.
  • Incorporate logos and brand colors: Enhance brand recognition by adding logos and using consistent colors.
  • Add relevant links for engagement: Boost recipient interaction by strategically integrating relevant links.
  • Include promotions or dynamic content: Infuse footers with promotions or dynamic elements to engage recipients.
  • Provide an easy unsubscribe option: Foster user-friendliness by including a straightforward unsubscribe option.
  • Add security certifications: Instill trust by displaying relevant certificates in the footer.
  • Set up tracking for analytical insights: Implement tracking mechanisms to gather valuable analytics for insights.
  • Test functionality across devices: Ensure the footer functions seamlessly by testing it across various devices.

Why choose Wishup for all your Email Tasks?

Wishup provides virtual assistants, online personal assistants, and bookkeepers to businesses and entrepreneurs as an online platform. Boasting a highly qualified team, advanced tools, and top-notch customer service, Wishup is a valuable resource for those seeking to enhance their efficiency and productivity by hiring virtual assistants. 

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A well-crafted email footer holds strategic benefits, crucial in compliance, brand reinforcement, extended engagement, and fostering positive customer relationships. 

Wishup is your solution, offering expert assistance in crafting impactful email footers that check all these boxes. 

From ensuring compliance to reinforcing your brand, our virtual assistants are here to enhance your email game. 

Ready to elevate your emails? Contact us for a free consultation, or mail us at [email protected]

Let's make your emails stand out and work wonders for your brand!

Why are email banners important?

Email banners serve as visual cues that grab attention and reinforce brand identity. They make your emails visually appealing, enhance professionalism, and convey important information or promotions, making a lasting impression on recipients.

What are the benefits of an email signature generator?

An email signature generator simplifies the creation of consistent and professional email signatures. It ensures uniformity across your team, saves time, and enables easy updates. You can effortlessly incorporate essential details with a generator, promoting a cohesive and branded communication style.

What are the benefits of a uniform email signature?

A uniform email signature presents a polished and consistent image for your brand. It fosters professionalism, builds trust, and enhances brand recognition. Consistency in email signatures across your team establishes a cohesive and reliable presence, leaving a positive and lasting impact on recipients.