15+ Ways to Do Better Remote Customer Service

It's no secret that customer service is essential to the success of any business. But what happens when your team is suddenly working remotely? This blog will discuss 15+ ways to do better remote customer service.

15+ Ways to Do Better Remote Customer Service

It's no secret that customer service is essential to the success of any business. But what happens when your team is suddenly working remotely?


There are a few things you can do to make sure your remote customer service is up to par. Here are 16 tips for doing better remote customer service:

Train your team members

If you want to provide good remote customer service, you must ensure that your team members are adequately trained. It includes training them to use customer service software and deal with customers professionally and courteously.

You should also provide regular training sessions so that your team members can stay up-to-date on the latest customer service practices. By properly training your team members, you’ll be able to provide better remote customer service.

Be responsive to customer inquiries

In order to provide good remote customer service, you need to be responsive to customers’ inquiries. It means being available to answer questions and address concerns promptly. For this reason, you must invest in a reliable and high-quality business phone solution so you never miss a customer call.

One way to do this is by setting up an automated email response system that can immediately send a response to customers’ inquiries.

Additionally, implementing an in-app chat solution like Sendbird in your web or mobile applications can greatly improve real-time communication.Sendbird is heavily focused on facilitating seamless in-app conversations, providing efficient chat solutions to enhance the customer experience. By offering multiple channels of communication and instant support, you can ensure that your customers receive the assistance they need, when they need it.

In addition, you should ensure a customer service number that customers can call if they need to speak to someone immediately. By responding to customer inquiries, you’ll be able to provide better service and build trust with your customers.

Use customer feedback


To improve your remote customer service, you need to use customer feedback. It means soliciting customer feedback regularly and using that feedback to make changes to your customer service process.

One way to gather valuable customer insights is to implement customer feedback solutions like surveys after each interaction. You can also encourage customers to leave reviews on your website or social media pages by attaching rewards for reviews gathered. By using customer feedback, you’ll be able to improve your remote customer service constantly.

Personalize each interaction

In order to provide good remote customer service, you need to personalize each interaction. This means taking the time to get to know your customers and their needs. It also means being willing to go the extra mile to help them.

One way to do this is by using a customer relationship management (CRM) system. This system can help you keep track of customers’ information and interactions. You can also use it to send personalized messages to customers. By personalizing each interaction, you’ll be able to provide better remote customer service.

In addition, you should make an effort to remember your customers’ names and use them during each interaction. By personalizing each interaction, you’ll be able to build strong relationships with your customers.

Be patient

When you’re dealing with customers, it’s important to be patient. This is especially true when you’re providing remote customer service. People might be having a bad day, or they might not be familiar with the customer service process.

Some customers may be having difficulty understanding the problem they’re experiencing. Others may be frustrated because they’re not used to dealing with customer service issues online.

No matter the situation, it’s essential to be patient and understand where the customer is coming from. By being patient, you’ll be able to provide better remote customer service. A fully customizable CRM solution makes this task even simpler.

Use positive language

When interacting with customers, it’s essential to use positive language. This means using phrases like “thank you for your patience” or “I’m sorry for the inconvenience.”

It’s essential to know these types of customer service phrases. It provides an easy and positive way to interact further with your potential customers.

Positive language can help diffuse situations and make the customer feel more valued. In addition, using positive language can help build rapport with the customer.

Harmonize your customer service channels

If a customer contacts you through email, make sure to have that conversation in the same place. This will help create a more personal relationship with the customer. If you use chatbots, ensure that there is eventually some human interaction. You can also do things like, for example, if somebody complains about a product on social media, offer them a solution through direct message. Doing this will show the customer that you care about their problem and are willing to help them solve it.

Meet regularly with your customer support staff

You must regularly meet with your customer support staff to provide good remote customer service. This will allow you to review any new procedures or changes that need to be made.

In addition, meeting with your staff regularly will allow you to provide feedback and answer any questions they may have. By meeting regularly with your staff, you’ll be able to provide better remote customer service.

Encourage customers to use self-service options

One way to improve your remote customer service is to encourage customers to use self-service options. It means providing online FAQs or create a knowledge base that customers can access when they have questions.

In addition, you should make it easy for customers to contact you through email or live chat. By making it easy for customers to find answers on their own, you’ll be able to reduce the number of calls or chats you need to handle.

Be clear with your support team about what their KPIs are

If you want your remote customer service to be successful (or any remote team), you need to be clear with your support team about their KPIs. KPIs are key performance indicators that help you measure the success of your customer service.

Some KPIs include first call resolution rate, customer satisfaction score, and average handle time. By setting KPIs for your team, you’ll be able to measure their performance and make necessary changes.

Keep your word

When you’re providing remote customer service, it’s essential to keep your word. If you tell a customer you’ll do something, you must follow through.

For example, if you tell a customer you’ll call them back within an hour, you must ensure you do so. If you can’t keep your promise, be honest with the customer and tell them what’s happening. What's more, if you make a mistake, own up to it and apologize.

Train your team on how to use your CRM


If you want your remote customer service to be successful, part of good leadership means training your team on how to use your CRM. CRM stands for customer relationship management. It’s software that helps you manage your customer data.

By training your team on how to use your mobile CRM solution, you’ll be able to track customer interactions and follow up with them promptly. In addition, you’ll be able to create targeted marketing campaigns based on customer behavior. This way, the SMS alerts and email newsletters you send can be more personalized and effective over time.

Use data to improve your remote customer service

If you want to improve your remote customer service, you need to use data. Data can help you understand what’s working and what’s not. For example, you can use data to see how long it takes customers to get a response from your team.

In addition, you can use data to understand what topics are causing the most customer support issues. By using data, you’ll be able to make changes to your remote customer service and improve the overall experience for your customers.

Get feedback from your team

If you want to provide good remote customer service, you need to get feedback from your team. This will allow you to understand what’s working and what’s not.

In addition, getting feedback from your team will help you understand their pain points. By understanding your team's pain points, you’ll be able to make changes to improve your remote customer service.

Make it easy for team members to receive and give recognition

If you want to improve your remote customer service, you need to make it easy for team members to receive and give recognition. Recognition is a key motivator for employees.

When team members feel appreciated, they’re more likely to go the extra mile for customers. In addition, making it easy for team members to give recognition will help them feel more connected to their coworkers. This guide to employee recognition can provide practical tips and resources to help managers foster a culture of recognition within their remote teams.

Encourage team members to connect with each other outside of work

To improve your remote customer service, you should encourage team members to connect with each other outside work. It can be done by creating social events or organizing group activities.

By encouraging team members to connect with each other outside of work, you’ll be able to create a more cohesive team. In addition, team members will be more likely to help each other out when they feel connected.


If you want to improve your remote customer service, you need to take action. Use the tips above to start making changes in your business. With a little effort, you can provide better customer service and improve the overall experience for your customers.
