How A Virtual Assistant Can Help You With Hiring Candidates: Recruitment Process Made Easy

Recruitment is one of the most critical aspects of your hr management services because your employees are your most valuable asset in moving your company forward. However, finding suitable candidates for your business can take a long time.

How A Virtual Assistant Can Help You With Hiring Candidates: Recruitment Process Made Easy

Recruitment is one of the most critical aspects of your hr management services because your employees are your most valuable asset in moving your company forward.

However, finding suitable candidates for your business can take much time. Recruiting would probably take up about three hours of your day, from posting job ads to holding interviews.

Furthermore, a lack of recruiters can cause businesses to lag, given the extreme labor shortages currently experienced. Companies, meanwhile, spend hours on trivial administrative duties. Therefore, it is unsurprising that the demand for a recruitment specialist is increasing with the need for more workers across industries.


When you hire a virtual assistant from human resources outsourcing companies like Wishup, you get a talented professional who will assist you in managing your business by posting job ads on various job boards, screening and reviewing applicants' resumes and portfolios, scheduling interviews, performing background checks, preparing job offers, creating and forwarding contracts, and other similar tasks.

In this blog, we will discuss how a virtual assistant can help you hire the best candidates for your business. But first, let's comprehend what a virtual assistant is, and what their role entails.

Who is a virtual assistant?

An online hr services virtual assistant is an independent or contract-based professional who works from a remote location to offer different HR-related services to businesses. They take advantage of technology's ongoing development, which enables them to complete tasks while enjoying the comfort of their homes.

They are people with specialized expertise in a variety of industries. Virtual assistants can help with research, project management, hr solutions for small business, event planning, and finance management.

Due to their versatility and efficiency, the demand for virtual hr services has grown over time.

A virtual recruiting assistant from a small business hr outsourcing company streamlines candidates' application process while easing recruiters' administrative duties. In addition, they support businesses in all aspects of communication, including recruitment and selection, follow-ups, and interviews.

They are even conducting some research on resume claims. In addition, virtual recruiting assistants enable a company to concentrate on more crucial business areas.

What tasks can a virtual assistant for hiring assist you with?

Virtual assistants helping with screening of candidates

Virtual recruitment assistants help with tons of hiring operations.

Their main functions include:

  • Candidate search based on job description criteria
  • Screening incoming applications for required skills and experience
  • Setting up in-person and video meetings
  • Putting together tear sheets for interviewers
  • Contacting candidates to inform them of the next steps in the interview process
  • Entering and maintaining candidate data in your applicant tracking system
  • Maintaining contact with high-potential recruits who are not immediately hired
  • Answering frequently asked questions (FAQs) from candidates
  • Enhancing new hire retention
  • Conducting background checks

What are the main recruitment challenges?

  • Candidate scarcity will be the primary challenge for recruitment consultants in 2023. Finding the right candidate for the job can be difficult and time-consuming. Your options are constrained when looking through a pool of unqualified candidates because of a limited budget or location.
  • Many employers, especially those who fired their hiring teams when the pandemic hit, realize they need recruiters more than ever. The need for more recruiters has increased with the increase in hiring to meet that growth. Hiring a recruiter, however, usually entails higher pay.

Benefits of hiring a virtual recruitment assistant

Streamlined hiring

Your hiring process will go more smoothly if you have outsourced human resources because your team can quickly complete each task. A report claims that enhancing your hiring procedure promotes improved organizational culture and increases candidate engagement. Additionally, you hire more qualified people, which can reduce turnover.

After the interview, a virtual assistant will call the new employee to discuss these details. They can then send the contract and oversee the offer's finalization.

Arranging all of these minor details takes time, but it is critical to do so correctly to ensure compliance with employment laws. A virtual hr assistant can also perform background checks on candidates' references and credentials before making a formal offer.

No admin hassles

It goes without saying that the three tasks that take up the most time for recruiters are sourcing, screening, and scheduling. According to a study, these administrative duties take up 86 percent of the time recruiters, and HR executives work.

Using virtual assistants, recruiters can spend more time recruiting and less on administrative tasks. Hiring a virtual recruitment assistant can free up to 30 hours a week.

Virtual assistants can save recruiters up to 30 hours a week

Taking administrative tasks off recruiters' plates makes sense. If you cannot find additional recruiters, offer your current team these 30 hours to concentrate on recruiting.

better candidate experience with virtual recruitment assistants

Better Candidate Experience

Let's face it, filling out a job application is stressful for both job applicants and recruiters.

Waiting for a call to be interviewed is stressful enough, but once the interview is over and the recruiter says, "We'll just contact you after further deliberations," the waiting becomes agonizing. Especially if there has been no follow-up after two weeks.

Being overburdened with administrative tasks slows recruiters' response times, and in a competitive job market, candidates with multiple offers won't hang around. According to research, candidates are dropping out of the hiring process at an all-time high.

68% of companies said candidate dropout is a real issue, with poor communication being the leading cause. In a competitive job market, quick and responsive communication with candidates is critical.

Using virtual recruiting assistants keeps applicants from falling into the black hole of not knowing the status of their application. In addition, this provides candidates with new ways to connect with recruiting teams while still considering recruiters' heavy workloads.

Additionally, doing this will assist the business in keeping in touch with these applicants if it's hiring again.

Maintained databases and recruitment software

During the hiring process, recruiting CRM software can be beneficial. They enable you to compile candidate data and monitor the entire procedure. They also have tools for reviewing resumes and posting job listings.

Even though it's simpler than using spreadsheets and emails to keep track of things, managing a sizable database of candidates can be very labor-intensive.

You need someone to invest much time in your recruitment software if you want to make the most of it. That person could be a virtual assistant who has database management skills. Then, when you need to fill a position, they can compile a list of qualified applicants.

Faster access to recruitment virtual assistance

A virtual assistant can be hired more quickly than a full-time recruiter. This is because virtual assistant service providers keep a trained staff on hand who can join in a week and contribute from day one.

You specify the platforms and tools your business's assistants must use, and the service provider finds the best matches. The service provider employs and manages the assistants, so there is little managerial overhead on the client side.

Hire your recruitment assistants from Wishup

hire the best virtual assistant services from Wishup

Wishup is a virtual assistance platform that links US-based small businesses, entrepreneurs, and start-ups with pre-screened, pre-vetted virtual assistants both in the US and abroad.

Wishup provides business owners with virtual assistants who can handle various tasks, including recruitment assistance, scheduling meetings, handling customer relations, updating e-commerce listings, coordinating e-commerce deliveries and finances, and making travel arrangements.

Top-notch applicants

At our company, we take pride in only hiring the top 1% of applicants. Consequently, you can be sure that you are getting the best assistance when you choose to work with us.

1-day onboarding

For you to begin using our virtual assistant services as soon as possible, we have developed a one-day onboarding procedure. Therefore, don't waste time trying to handle everything on your own. Instead, think about using our virtual assistant services to see how much more you can accomplish with their assistance.

Risk -free seven-day trial

Giving something a try before sticking with it can be very satisfying. In contrast to your internal staff, you can try out our virtual assistance services for seven days; if you're unhappy, you'll get a full refund.

Quick scaling

We make scaling up, down, or even terminating the service within hours incredibly simple for you. Have you ever imagined how simple it would be to increase the resources in your business?

Replacement policy with no-questions-asked

If you are unhappy with your primary assistant or they are unavailable due to an emergency, Wishup offers the fantastic benefit of having your virtual assistant replaced immediately and without asking any questions. This is much simpler than replacing an internal employee, whom you would have to train again.

Cost-effective hiring

Wishup eliminates the need for extra hiring costs and the time required to research staffing firms. Instead, Wishup combines virtual assistants, software testers, bookkeepers, and developers under one roof.

How to hire from Wishup?

Hiring a virtual assistant from Wishup is easy and simple.

Hire a virtual assistant in three basic steps:

  • Register on our website or email [email protected] to request a free consultation with the Wishup team.
  • Let us know all your requirements and all the tasks you need help with. Then, sit back and relax as our teams find the ideal profiles!
  • Wishup's experts will carefully pair your team with the appropriate virtual employee to provide the best support.

Within a day, onboard your virtual assistant.

End your hiring hassles today with Wishup!

Don't let the hiring process be a detriment to your company. Maximize your business's sourcing power and heighten candidate experience rather than nitpicking on new hires. Outsource it all to virtual recruitment assistants from Wishup.


Hiring from Wishup is easy and straightforward – book a free consultation with our experts or email us at [email protected].