How can You Format Code or Code Snippets in Slack Messages?

Efficient communication in Slack goes beyond mere words; it's about shared understandings and implicit meanings. When it comes to formatting messages, Slack provides a variety of options, from bold and italic to strikethrough and inline code. 

How can You Format Code or Code Snippets in Slack Messages?

Efficient communication in Slack goes beyond mere words; it's about shared understandings and implicit meanings.

When it comes to formatting messages, Slack provides a variety of options, from bold and italic to strikethrough and inline code. Formatting code in Slack is like tuning a classic TV show to perfection. Just as every character has its role, every line of code has its place. It's the Friends ensemble of your digital workspace, each snippet delivering its punchline flawlessly.

code snippets in Slack

This adds emphasis and clarity to your messages and streamlines communication, allowing for a more effective exchange of information within your team. 

Explore the nuances of how to add code snippet in Slack to elevate your messaging game and enhance collaboration.

Advantages of using Slack


In the realm of collaboration, transparency is king. With Slack, every conversation is open for the team to see, fostering trust and ensuring everyone is on the same page.


Slack's versatility knows no bounds. Whether for internal communication, customer support, or team connectivity, Slack adapts to your needs, allowing you to mold it according to your preferences.


At its core, Slack thrives on collaboration. Its user-friendly interface and rich feature set empower seamless teamwork—be it project collaboration, brainstorming sessions, or planning major events.


Security is paramount, and Slack takes it seriously. Your conversations are encrypted and stored securely, and the option for two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of protection to your account.



Slack has become a powerhouse with over 2,400 integrated apps and services. Connect it with your CRM, project management tool, or social media accounts to effortlessly share information and collaborate with your team.


Efficiency meets automation in Slack. From scheduling routine meetings to creating custom bot commands, Slack streamlines tasks, saving you valuable time and enhancing work manageability.

Initiating projects in Slack is a Breeze

Streamlined Collaboration: Boost efficiency by bringing cross-functional teams together in channels. This accelerates the gathering of feature requirements and scoping projects with diverse perspectives.

Centralized Information Hub: Keep crucial project details at your fingertips. Pin essential messages and documents—such as project milestones and functional requirements—directly in the project channel, ensuring easy access and reference.

Emoji Communication: Express project status effortlessly using emoji reactions. Whether signaling "in review" or offering quick thanks, emojis add a visual layer to communication, making it more dynamic and expressive.

What are Code Snippets in Slack?

code snippet on Slack

In Slack, Code Snippets is a nifty way to swiftly share pieces of code, configuration files, or log files within your workspace. 

While Slack mobile apps don't currently support creating or sharing snippets, the real magic lies in Code Blocks and Code Lines, aptly referred to as "Code" by Slack. 

These containers transcend the mere realm of code, adapting to the technical context of the conversation. Whether it's an actual code snippet in Slack, markup language, or raw data, Code Blocks visually distinguish themselves with a boxed area, a continuous background, and a monospaced font. 

This efficiently highlights technical content and signals a shift in the technical context of the discussion.

Formatting Code Snippets

Slack allows members and guests to share code snippets, making collaboration seamless effortlessly. This feature is accessible across all subscriptions but is currently unavailable on Slack mobile apps.

Different types of code snippets

Block Quotes

Block Quotes are ideal for referencing previous messages verbatim or emphasizing specific content. They visually distinguish quoted text with a quote block, guiding readers to recognize it as existing information from another conversation.

Code Blocks and Code Lines

Code Blocks and Code Lines contain technical content—code, data, or configuration. Code Blocks use a boxed area with a continuous background, emphasizing a technical nature. Without a visual block, Code Lines suit short technical content referenced within a message.


Quotes serve as delimiters for long names or phrases, aiding readers in identifying where the described content ends. They are versatile for both long descriptions and short, direct quotes.

Special Mention: "Newlined Bold" as Headers

Utilize "newlined bold" text as headers to visually delimit parts of a message, especially when summarizing. This single line in bold, ending with a newline, serves as a header for subsequent content until the message's end or another header, providing clarity within a message.

Step-by-step guide to creating or pasting code snippets 

Whether you're a member or a guest, this feature is accessible across all subscriptions, making it a versatile tool for sharing code, configuration files, or log files within your workspace.

Creating a Code Snippet

Creating a Code Snippet
  • Click the plus icon next to the message field on your desktop.
  • Select "Create a text snippet" from the menu.
  • Optionally, add a title and choose a file type for syntax highlighting.
  • Type or paste your code snippet slack in the Content field.
  • To share, tick the "Share this file" box, select a conversation, and add a message.
  • Click "Create snippet."

Viewing Snippets in Your Workspace

  • Hover over "More."
  • Select "Files" and click "All files."
  • Open the drop-down menu next to "File type" and choose "Snippets."

Editing a Snippet

  • Hover over the snippet to edit.
  • Click the pencil icon to open it in your browser.
  • Edit the snippet and click "Save changes."

Sharing a Snippet

  • Hover over the snippet and click "Share file."
  • Choose a channel or direct message from the drop-down menu.
  • Click "Share."

Pro Tip: 

If you've already started typing, use shortcut keys (Mac: Command + Enter, Windows/Linux: Ctrl + Enter) to convert existing text into a snippet.

Formatting your messages

Formatting your messages

Whether you prefer the convenience of the formatting toolbar or the flexibility of markup, there are multiple options to tailor your text to perfection.

Formatting Toolbar:

  • Click the text formatting icon or highlight the text in the message field.
  • Choose formatting options seamlessly and combine them for a polished message.
  • Preview the formatted text before sending it, ensuring clarity in your communication.

Slack Message Field with Formatting Toolbar:

Visualize the versatility of the formatting toolbar in action, providing a user-friendly interface for refining your messages.

Pro Tip:

Press Enter to start a new line. Adjust preferences to use the Enter key for a quick newline experience.

Formatting Tips for Slack Messages

Text Styling:

  • Bold text: Emphasize your message by wrapping text with asterisks. Example: bold
  • Italic text: Convey a touch of emphasis with underscores. Example: italic
  • Strikethrough text: Indicate changes with tildes. Example: ~strikethrough~

Inline Code and Blockquotes:

  • Inline code blocks: Single-word or line? Wrap it with backticks. Example: inline code block
  • Text block code: Need a block of text? Three backticks are your solution. Example: "`inline code block text block` "
  • Blockquotes: Start with a closing angle bracket. Example: >blockquote


  • Ordered lists: Type the number, period, and space before your text. Example: 1. ordered list
  • Bulleted lists: Mimic formatting with bullet point symbol (•) and space. Example: • bulleted list

Hyperlinked URLs: Slack automatically hyperlinks URLs. For custom link text, use angle brackets and pipe characters. Example: <|Link text>

New Lines:

  • Adding new lines: Simply use the return (enter) key. Note: Only a single new line between text lines is supported.


Emoji usage: Wrap the emoji name in colons. Example: :heart_eyes:

Mentions and Notifications:

Mentions and Notifications
  • User mentions: Type Slack member ID in angle brackets. Example: <@UG1234567>
  • "Everyone" notification: Notify all in #general. Example: <!everyone>
  • "Here" notification: Notify active members in a channel. Example: <!here>
  • "User group" notification: Notify a user group with group ID. Example: <!subteam^groupID>

Virtual Assistants for Better Collaborations on Slack 

Virtual assistants can be your ultimate weapon when it comes to having seamless collaborations.

virtual assistant benefits

A virtual assistant will be a critical facilitator in optimizing collaboration on Slack, ensuring seamless communication and effective utilization of features.

Monitor relevant channels for code snippets shared by users

Virtual assistants actively monitor channels to identify and track code snippets users share. For instance, they may monitor the designated #coding channel.

Identify specific keywords or phrases associated with code (e.g., "code," "snippet")

They identify keywords like "code" or "snippet" to pinpoint relevant content in the ongoing discussions.

Analyze context to determine if snippets require formatting

Analyzing the context, virtual assistants determine whether code snippets require formatting for better comprehension. For example, they assess if a snippet needs highlighting for clarity.

Choose the appropriate formatting method based on snippet length and complexity

Based on snippet length and complexity, they choose appropriate formatting methods. For instance, using code block buttons or backticks for basic formatting.

Use code block buttons or backticks for basic formatting

Leveraging code highlighting features, virtual assistants enhance readability, especially for specific programming languages like Python or JavaScript.

Leverage code highlighting features for specific programming languages

They customize formatting options to improve snippet readability, aligning with the team's preferences and ensuring a cohesive look.

Customize formatting options for enhanced readability

They customize formatting options to improve snippet readability, aligning with the team's preferences and ensuring a cohesive look.

Add relevant information to snippets, such as file paths or source references

Virtual assistants enrich snippets with relevant details, such as file paths or source references. For example, they may include the directory path for a specific code snippet.

Embed code snippets from external sources for better context

They embed code snippets from external sources, such as GitHub Gist, providing additional context and references for a comprehensive understanding.

Utilize code snippet apps for advanced management and collaboration

For advanced management, virtual assistants use slack code snippet apps like CodeSnippetHub, streamlining organization and collaboration across the team.

Integrate with code review tools to streamline feedback loops

Virtual assistants create code snippet slack review tools, facilitating a smooth feedback loop. For instance, connecting Slack with GitHub for seamless code review processes.

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Under Slack, varied interpretations can lead to misunderstandings if you are wondering how to add code snippet in Slack. To ensure effective communication and collaboration, it's crucial to grasp the implicit meaning behind different formatting choices. 

Correctly formatting slack code snippets enhances clarity and promotes seamless collaboration. Wishup, with its adept virtual assistants, can assist in mastering the art of precise formatting. Wishup ensures that your messages are conveyed accurately by offering a unique perspective and valuable insights. 

Contact us for a free consultation or reach out via email at [email protected] to experience the transformative impact of Wishup's expertise in communication and collaboration.

FAQs: How To Add Code Snippet In Slack

How do I use embed code in Slack?

To embed code in Slack, you can use backticks for a single line or triple backticks for multiple lines. Simply add code snippet to slack with these backticks, and Slack will recognize it as a code snippet.

How do you make a code block in Slack?

Creating a code block in Slack is easy. Just use triple backticks ("`) before and after your code. This helps maintain the code's formatting and readability within the Slack message.

How do you send a code snippet?

To send a code snippet, follow these steps:

  • Click on the "+" icon.
  • Select "Create a text snippet."
  • Enter your code.
  • Choose syntax highlighting if needed.
  • Share it in your desired conversation.

This ensures your code is neatly presented and easily accessible to others.