How Do You Use HubSpot to Track the Performance of Your Marketing Campaigns?

How Do You Use HubSpot to Track the Performance of Your Marketing Campaigns?

It's no longer just nice to be able to track and measure how your campaigns are performing – it's absolutely essential. Knowing what's working and what's not, which metrics are important, and how to improve can make all the difference in achieving success. And that's where HubSpot comes in as a game-changer.

campaign tracking

HubSpot's suite of tools goes way beyond managing contacts and automating workflows – it's a powerhouse that can help you truly understand how well your campaigns are doing and make smarter decisions.

In this article, we'll look closer at how HubSpot campaign reporting empowers businesses to carefully monitor, analyze, and optimize their marketing efforts, leading to unprecedented success.

HubSpot Marketing Campaigns

hubspot marketing campaigns

HubSpot's marketing campaigns are like the backbone of your marketing efforts. They help you organize and execute all your different initiatives in one place.

With HubSpot, you can easily manage your content, emails, ads, and other marketing elements. You can even segment your audience and create personalized messages for them. And the best part? You can track how each campaign is doing so you know what's working and what's not.

Accessing HubSpot Marketing Analytics

HubSpot Marketing Analytics

HubSpot marketing analytics is like a treasure trove for marketers. It offers a large amount of valuable insights and information that you can leverage to improve your campaigns. Here's how you can access it: when you go to the Reports dashboard, you'll find a wide range of data points and metrics at your fingertips. The customizable dashboards provide valuable insights into website traffic, email engagement, and social media performance.

You can even create your own reports to effortlessly track the success of your campaigns, keep an eye on conversion rates, and measure the return on investment for your marketing efforts. Access to all this data empowers you to make informed decisions and tweak your strategies in real-time for the best possible results.


Advantages of creating HubSpot Campaigns

Some significant advantages of creating HubSpot campaigns are as follows:

Centralized Campaign Management

HubSpot makes it easy to organize your campaigns, so marketers can handle everything from content to contacts in one convenient platform. This intelligent approach boosts efficiency and encourages teamwork among your team members.

Personalization and Segmentation

HubSpot's excellent campaign creation tools allow for creating personalized messages and segmenting audiences. Marketers can boost their engagement and conversion rates by crafting content that specifically appeals to different demographics or buyer personas.

Data-driven Insights

HubSpot's analytics provide a wealth of valuable insights into campaign performance. With these tools, marketers can track key metrics, uncover successful strategies, and identify areas that can be improved upon. Ultimately, this data-driven approach empowers marketers to make informed decisions.

Automation and Optimization

With the automation features of HubSpot, you can say goodbye to repetitive tasks and hello to more time for strategic planning and unleashing your creativity. Plus, A/B testing and real-time analytics make it easy to tweak and optimize your campaigns to their full potential.

Step-by-Step Guide for Creating a HubSpot Campaign

Setting up a campaign in HubSpot is a breeze! It gives marketers the tools to organize and carry out initiatives seamlessly. Just use these steps to create your campaign from scratch:

creating campaigns

Step 1: Navigate to Marketing > Campaigns

To access Campaigns in your HubSpot account, simply navigate to Marketing and choose it from the handy dropdown menu.

Step 2: Click Create Campaign

To start creating your campaign, click "Create a campaign," located in the upper right corner.

Step 3: Start from Template

Click on the "Start from template" option on the right panel. Then, just click on "Next" to continue.

Step 4: Configure Campaign Details

Customize your campaign by filling in essential details. This includes the unique campaign name, a color to distinguish it visually in the marketing calendar, and the assignment of a campaign owner. You should also include start and end dates, define campaign goals, specify the audience, currency code for the budget, and any additional campaign notes.

Step 5: Create the Campaign

Once all details are entered, click "Create" at the bottom. Your campaign is now ready to roll!

Don't forget; once you've set up your campaign, you can easily keep an eye on its budget and spending by checking out the Budget tab on the campaign details page. This simple process lets you efficiently manage and keep track of how your campaign is doing in the HubSpot ecosystem.

How to Analyze a HubSpot Marketing Campaign

Knowing how to analyze the HubSpot campaign report is a crucial task. It not only helps you analyze the performance of your campaigns but also ensures they are generating desired results. However, if you are unsure how to analyze campaign reports HubSpot, this section is for you. 

We are going to outline the detailed steps for analyzing campaign reporting HubSpot. Let's have a look: 

Step 1: Access Campaign Analytics:

Head to Marketing > Campaigns in your HubSpot account. Click "Analyze" > "Campaign Analytics" at the top right to dive into your campaign's metrics.

Step 2: Filter Data for Precision:

Use the Date range and Frequency dropdowns to specify the desired time frame for analysis. Consider specific details, such as excluding the current day in rolling date ranges or the default start of a week.

Step 3: Explore Metrics and Charts:

To explore different performance indicators, you can easily switch between tabs like "Influenced Contacts" or "Other Metrics." Enhance your data visualization by customizing the chart type to area, column, or line.

Step 4: Tailor Table Display:

To enhance your charts, simply check the campaigns you want to feature. You can also customize your table view by selecting "Edit columns." You can add or remove metrics, reorganize columns, and use search and sorting functions to better understand your data.

Using Marketing Campaign Attribution Reports

Marketing Campaign Attribution Reports

Here's how you can use marketing campaign attribution reports in HubSpot:

Step 1: Access Attribution Reports:

To review or modify a campaign in your HubSpot account, simply go to Marketing > Campaigns. Once there, click on the campaign you want to work on and navigate to the Attribution tab within the campaign.

Step 2: Choose Attribution Metrics:

Click on Contact Create, Deal Create (exclusive to Marketing Hub Enterprise), or Revenue based on the metrics you want to analyze. These metrics signify new contacts, deals, or revenue attributed to the campaign.

Step 3: Filter and Customize Reports:

Customize your view by using the date picker to adjust the date range. Choose from preset ranges or enter custom dates for analysis. Select an attribution model from the dropdown menu to find the best fit for your reports.

Virtual Assistance for Ultimate Campaign Reporting

Virtual assistants are vital in maximizing campaign performance by effectively utilizing HubSpot's tools for meticulous tracking and analysis. Let's take a look at some key tasks that virtual assistants can skillfully manage:

  • Configure campaigns in HubSpot for accurate tracking: Virtual assistants are experts at setting up campaigns in HubSpot to ensure that all your marketing efforts are tracked seamlessly. They cover all the details, such as defining the campaign specifics, assigning unique identifiers, and establishing effective tracking mechanisms.
  • Monitor traffic sources and analyze campaign reach: By tracking where traffic is coming from and exploring how successful campaigns are in reaching people, assistants in HubSpot can measure the effectiveness of campaigns on various platforms. They can figure out which sources generate the most interest and lead to conversions, helping make informed decisions.
  • Attribute leads to specific campaigns for tracking: Assistants can attribute leads to specific campaigns. This means that each lead is accurately connected to the campaigns that sparked their interest. This attribution gives us a clear picture of how each campaign contributes to lead generation.
  • Evaluate email campaign success with open rates and engagement: They can dive into email campaign metrics to help you analyze open rates, click-through rates, and overall engagement. With the valuable data from HubSpot, we can measure the success of your email campaigns, spot trends, and discover opportunities for improvement.
  • Track social media performance, including conversions: Virtual assistants rely on HubSpot to track social media performance. They monitor important metrics such as engagement, reach, and conversions. By analyzing the data, they identify the most effective social platforms and use this insight to develop strategies to make the most of social media's impact.
  • Analyze landing page and form metrics, focusing on conversions: VAs can also analyze landing page and form metrics, focusing strongly on conversion rates and user interactions. Through this analysis, they pinpoint areas needing optimization to improve conversion rates.
  • Customize reports for in-depth analysis of campaign goals: With HubSpot's reporting capabilities, assistants can create personalized reports aligned with campaign objectives. These reports offer valuable insights that enable informed decision-making to optimize campaigns.
  • Compare campaign performance over time for trends: By analyzing campaign performance metrics over time, VAs can identify trends and patterns. This allows for a better understanding of the effectiveness of long-term campaigns and guides ongoing success.
  • Utilize HubSpot's integrations for a comprehensive view: Virtual assistants leverage HubSpot's integrations with other tools to gain a comprehensive view of campaign performance. They consolidate data from various sources for a more holistic analysis.
  • Collaborate on iterative campaign optimization: VAs work closely with the marketing team to continuously enhance campaigns. They provide valuable insights from HubSpot data, which help refine strategies for optimal performance.
  • Provide regular reports on key metrics and trends: Regular reporting on key metrics and trends enables stakeholders to stay updated on campaign performance. Virtual assistants generate and distribute these reports, ensuring transparency and alignment.
  • Ensure data accuracy for reliable tracking: They work hard to keep the data accurate within HubSpot, ensuring that tracking and analysis are reliable. They use data-driven insights to make any necessary adjustments to campaigns, all to improve efficiency.
  • Implement adjustments for enhanced campaign efficiency: A virtual assistant can boost campaign efficiency by examining HubSpot data, enhancing content and targeting strategies, and implementing iterative adjustments based on insights. All of this is done to optimize campaigns and achieve even better results.

Wishup: For Analyzing HubSpot Marketing Campaigns Efficiently

Wishup provides virtual assistant services to optimize the analysis of HubSpot marketing campaigns, ensuring increased efficiency. No matter what type of VA you require, we will quickly help you find the perfect candidate!

wishup virtual assistants

Key benefits include:

Budget-Friendly Services 

Gain access to top-notch virtual assistant services at a budget-friendly price, guaranteeing excellent campaign analysis without spending a fortune.

Work with Top-Tier Talent

Connect with our carefully chosen team of highly skilled professionals with the proficiency and expertise to handle your HubSpot campaign analysis requirements. We only hire the top 0.1% of the candidates, providing our clients with the highest quality of services.

Onboard Your VA Within 24 Hours 

Discover a hassle-free onboarding process that allows you to effortlessly integrate your virtual assistant into your campaign analysis in just one day.

No Need for a Training Budget

Take advantage of Wishup's virtual assistants, who are already skilled in HubSpot campaign analysis, so you don't have to worry about extra training costs.

Easily Replace Your VA if You're Unsatisfied

If your assigned virtual assistant doesn't fulfill your needs, you can easily choose a replacement to ensure your campaign analysis continues without interruption.

A 7-Day Risk-Free Trial

Discover the power of Wishup's virtual assistants with a 7-day trial, where you can test their skills in HubSpot campaign analysis without any risk before making a decision.


HubSpot campaign reporting is a valuable tool for optimizing campaign tracking, providing businesses with important insights for data-driven marketing strategies. Its user-friendly interface makes it extremely simple to create campaigns, track performance, and dig into detailed analysis, enabling well-informed decision-making.

Wishup acts as the perfect companion, offering seamless virtual assistant services that enhance the use of HubSpot. Our skilled professionals guarantee a smooth onboarding process, cost-effectiveness, and hassle-free solutions that perfectly align with your campaign analysis needs.

Embrace the power of HubSpot campaign reporting while leveraging Wishup's expertise to boost efficiency in campaign analysis. Reach out for a free consultation or contact us at [email protected] to take your marketing efforts to the next level.


FAQs For HubSpot Campaign Reporting

How do I create a report from a campaign in HubSpot?

To generate a report for a campaign:

  1. Start by going to Marketing > Campaigns.
  2. Choose the campaign you want and click on "Analyze."
  3. Select "Campaign Analytics" to access the report options.

From there, you can customize the data range and metrics to create the exact report you need.

 How do I track a campaign in HubSpot?

If you want to keep an eye on a campaign, just go to Marketing > Campaigns, select the specific campaign, and take a look at the Attribution tab. In this section, you can check out important metrics such as contacts created, deals generated, or revenue that can be attributed to all the hard work you've put into your campaign.