A Quick Guide to Crafting Automation Recipes in Monday.com

A Quick Guide to Crafting Automation Recipes in Monday.com

As a professional, you have important tasks that only you can handle.

You struggle to keep up with mundane tasks and drain yourself to the core.

Well, you don't have to become a skeleton completing your tedious tasks. Let monday.com automation take over, enabling you to focus on the work that truly matters. Perhaps you're already familiar with the monday.com platform and its project and workflow management tools. 

However, you're not making the most of your account unless you optimize your work processes with monday.com automation. These automatons have revolutionized productivity by streamlining workflows and saving time for businesses. 

In this article, we will discuss the impact of automation on the Monday.com platform and show you how to create automation recipes to improve your workflow efficiency. Whether it's automating repetitive tasks or enhancing communication and collaboration, we will provide detailed instructions and tips for crafting customized automation recipes. 

What is Monday.com? 


Monday.com is an efficient cloud-based platform designed for collaboration and project management. It assists teams and organizations in streamlining work processes, boosting productivity, and fostering improved communication and collaboration.

The platform has a user-friendly interface, offering a visual experience, making it easy for users to create customized workflows, monitor progress, assign tasks, and effectively manage projects.

Monday.com is a versatile and adaptable platform that empowers users to effortlessly create and oversee a variety of workflows and projects. This includes managing marketing campaigns, software development endeavors, event planning, and more.

Its user-friendly interface, featuring drag-and-drop functionality and a wide array of pre-built templates, streamlines the process of getting started and allows teams to customize the platform to suit their requirements.

The platform offers multiple collaboration features, including file sharing, real-time updates, and commenting. These features enhance communication and teamwork, making it easier for users to work effectively together. In addition, Monday.com integrates with popular tools and services, such as Slack and email platforms, allowing for a smooth workflow and centralized management of information.

Monday.com is a comprehensive platform that provides teams with the tools they need to work more efficiently, stay organized, and ultimately reach their goals. With its versatile features, Monday.com empowers teams to streamline their workflow and maximize productivity.


Automation Recipes on Monday.com

At Monday.comautomation, Automation Recipes are prebuilt workflows designed to help users automate repetitive tasks, streamline processes, and ultimately save valuable time. These recipes are crafted using Monday.com's powerful automation features, empowering users to seamlessly set up triggers and actions that automatically initiate specific tasks.

Automation recipes on Monday.com allow users to streamline their workflows and eliminate time-consuming manual data entry. Users can reduce human error and ensure consistency in their processes by automating tasks such as assigning team members to new items or sending notifications.

One example of an automation recipe is setting up a trigger that activates when a new item is added to a specific board. The recipe then automatically assigns a team member to that item, eliminating the need for manual task assignments. This ensures that the right person is immediately notified and can begin working on the item without delay.

Monday.com offers various automation features, including sending notifications, updating columns, creating items, and moving items across boards. Users have the flexibility to customize these recipes to meet their requirements and reflect their unique processes. By implementing automation recipes, users increase their productivity and enhance collaboration within their teams. Repetitive and time-consuming tasks are automated, allowing team members time to focus on more high-value activities. This improved efficiency allows resources to be utilized more efficiently, leading to better project managementAutomation and overall success.

Components of a Monday Automation Recipe

Understanding the different components of automation recipes on Monday.com can help you create customized and efficient workflows. Here are the key components to be aware of:


Triggers are the starting point of an automation recipe. They are events that initiate the automation. Triggers can include creating a new item, a status change, or reaching a specific date.


Actions are the steps that occur when the trigger event takes place. These include sending notifications, updating columns, creating new items, moving items across boards, or assigning tasks to team members.


Conditions allow you to add specific criteria to your automation recipe. They ensure that the automation only takes place if certain conditions are met. For example, you can set a condition to send a notification only if a specific column meets a certain value.


Mapping involves matching data fields between different boards or apps. It enables you to transfer information from one location to another as part of the automation. Mapping ensures that the relevant data is correctly populated in the desired fields.


Filters help refine the automation recipe by specifying which items or data should be included or excluded. You can use filters to define criteria based on column values, item properties, or other factors, ensuring that the automation only affects the desired items.

By effectively understanding and utilizing these components, you can optimize your workflow and boost productivity through tailor-made Monday automations.

Preset Automation Recipes

Monday.com provides a range of ready-to-use automation recipes that users can easily integrate into their workflows. These pre-built templates are designed to automate typical tasks and processes.

With preset automation recipes, users can enjoy the convenience of automatically assigning tasks to team members, receiving notifications as deadlines approach, updating columns based on specific triggers, and synchronizing data with external applications. These recipes serve as a starting point for users, offering a solid foundation for automating their workflows.

Users can personalize and fine-tune these recipes to match their specific requirements, effectively saving time and effort while fostering efficient and consistent processes within their teams and projects.

Multi-step automation

Monday.com's multi-step automation feature allows users to create intricate, advanced workflows involving multiple triggers and actions. Users can set up complex automation processes by defining a specific order of steps.

For instance, they can establish a trigger that generates a new item when a particular status changes. This can be followed by an action to assign the item to a team member and another action to notify stakeholders.

With this capability, users have the power to build sophisticated automation recipes that automate tasks and actions, resulting in seamless and efficient workflows for their projects and teams.

Step-by-step guide for adding an automation

adding an automation

If you want to boost efficiency and simplify your processes, consider incorporating automation into your Monday.com workflow. Automating repetitive actions, notifications, and updates can eliminate manual tasks and save time. Below, we will take you through the process of adding automation to your Monday.com workflow.

Identify the trigger: Determine the condition or event that will initiate the automation, such as creating a new item, a status change, a specific date, or other criteria.

Select the automation recipe: Choose from the preset automation recipes provided by Monday.com or create a custom automation from scratch.

Configure the trigger: Set specific conditions or filters for the trigger event. Define which items or data should activate the automation.

Define the actions: Specify the actions that should occur when the trigger is activated. This may include sending notifications, updating columns, creating or moving items, assigning tasks, or syncing data with external apps.

Customize the automation: Adjust the settings and parameters to align the automation with your workflow and desired outcomes.

Test and review: Run the automation and ensure it performs as intended. Review the results to make sure all the actions are executed correctly.

Activate the automation: Once you're satisfied with the automation's performance, activate it to start automating your workflow.

If you want to enhance your productivity and team collaboration on Monday.com boards, you can achieve this by implementing automation.

Adding Preset Automation Recipes

Adding preset automation recipes is the way to go if you want to save time and effort by automating common tasks and processes in your Monday.com workflow. Monday.com offers a selection of pre-built automation recipes that can be flawlessly integrated into your boards. Whether you need to perform specific actions or set up triggers, these recipes have got you covered. Following the steps below, you'll learn how to easily add a preset automation recipe in Monday.com, helping you streamline your workflow and boost overall productivity.

  • To access the automation center, log into your Monday.com account and go to the board where you want to add automation. Look for the Automate Center button in the upper-right corner of the board and click on it.
  • Choose a recipe that suits your requirements. You can browse the available automation recipes or use the search function to find a specific one. The recipes are categorized into sections like Task Management, Communication & Collaboration, and more.
  • Review and select the recipe that interests you. Click on a recipe to see its details, description, and how it works. It's important to take the time to understand how the recipe's triggers and actions align with your workflow needs.
  • Customize the recipe to fit your specific requirements. Once you've chosen a recipe, you can make adjustments to it. This can include modifying the trigger conditions, selecting relevant columns or team members, or adding extra actions.
  • Activate the automation on your board. After customizing the recipe to your liking, click the Activate button. This will enable the automation to start running based on the triggers and actions you have specified.

Removing and Duplicating Automation Recipes

On Monday.com, removing and duplicating automation recipes can greatly enhance your workflow management capabilities. Whether you no longer require particular automation or wish to create a similar one with minor adjustments, removing or duplicating the existing recipes is straightforward. 

Removing automation recipes

1. Access the Automate Center: Begin by opening the board where the automation recipe is located. Look for the Automate Center button at the board interface's top-right corner.

2. Navigate to the Active Automations tab: Once inside the Automate Center, locate the Active Automations tab. This tab lists all the currently active automation recipes on the board.

3. Find the automation recipe to be removed: Scroll through the displayed automation to find the one you wish to remove. If you have numerous automations that make it challenging to locate a specific one, utilize the search bar feature to quickly find it.

4. Disable the automation: Once you have found the desired automation recipe, locate the toggle switch next to it. Clicking on this toggle switch will disable and remove the automation from your board.

Duplicating automation recipes

Removing and Duplicating Automation Recipes
  • Open the board containing the automation recipe and locate the Automate Center button at the top-right corner. Click on it to access the Automate Center.
  • In the Automate Center, navigate to the Active Automations tab. This tab lists all the active automation recipes available on the board.
  • Scroll through the displayed automations or use the search bar to find the specific automation recipe you wish to duplicate.
  • Once you have found the automation recipe, locate the three-dot menu icon next to it. Click on the icon and select the "Duplicate" option. Doing this will create an identical copy of the automation, including the triggers and actions.

Building your own Automation Recipes

Building your own Automation Recipes

Monday.com offers the opportunity to build personalized automation recipes that align with your unique requirements and workflows. By utilizing custom automation, you can customize triggers and actions, empowering you to automate tasks and enhance the efficiency of your workflow. Here is a step-by-step walkthrough on how to create your very own automation recipe on Monday.com.

1. Access the Automation Center: Open the board where you want to create the automation and locate the Automate Center button at the top-right corner of the screen. Click on it to access the Automation Center.

2. Select "Build your own recipe:" Inside the Automation Center, you'll find a button labeled "Build your own recipe." Click on this button to start creating the customized automation.

3. Choose a trigger: Define the event initiating the automation. Various trigger options are available, such as status changes, column values, date/time triggers, or custom conditions. Select the trigger that suits your needs.

4. Set conditions and filters (optional): If necessary, add conditions or filters to refine your trigger further. This ensures that the automation is triggered only under specific circumstances, making it more precise and effective.

5. Define the actions: Specify the actions that should occur when the trigger is activated. You can choose from various actions, including sending notifications, updating columns, creating or moving items, assigning tasks, or integrating with external apps. Select the actions that align with your desired outcome.

6. Customize the automation: Fine-tune the settings and parameters of the automation to fit your workflow requirements. This may involve configuring specific options for each action or adding additional steps to enhance the automation's functionality.

7. Test and review: Before activation, run the automation and review the results to ensure it functions as intended. If adjustments or refinements are needed based on the outcome, make the necessary changes to optimize the automation's performance.

8. Activate the automation: Once you are satisfied with its performance, click the Activate button to enable it. The automation will now run based on your defined triggers and actions, streamlining your workflow and saving you time and effort.

If you want to boost productivity and streamline your workflows, Monday.com offers a simple process to create personalized automation recipes.

Alerts and Reminders with Automationautomation

Alerts and Reminders with Automations

In your Monday.com workflow, alerts and reminders are crucial in helping you stay on top of important deadlines, tasks, and events. By utilizing automations, you can conveniently establish alerts and reminders that guarantee timely notifications for your team members. This not only prevents missed deadlines but also enhances overall productivity. 

1. Determine the Trigger: Identify the specific event or condition that should prompt the alert or reminder. This could be a particular date, a change in status, or any other criterion that indicates a task or event is due.

2. Choose the Notification Action: Decide on the action to deliver the alert or reminder. This could involve sending an email, generating a notification within a platform like Monday.com, or integrating with communication tools such as Slack or Microsoft Teams.

3. Customize the Notification Message: Personalize the notification message by including pertinent details like the task name, due date, assignee, and any other crucial information for the recipient.

4. Set the Timing and Frequency: Specify when the notification should be sent. You can configure it to trigger a certain number of days or hours before, on the due date, or even after it has passed.

5. Test and Review: Conduct a test to ensure the alert or reminder functions correctly. Verify that the content and timing of the notification meet your requirements.

6. Activate the Automation: Once you are satisfied with the setup and testing, activate the automation to enable alerts and reminders for your workflow.

Best Practices for Automation Recipes

When creating automation recipes on Monday.com, it is essential to keep in mind the following best practices:

Establish a clear objective

Before implementing automation, defining the goal you wish to achieve is crucial. Identify the specific task or process you want to automate and understand how it fits into your workflow.

Embrace simplicity

Focus on automating repetitive tasks that have a significant impact on your productivity. Start with basic automation, gradually moving on to more complicated ones as you become familiar with the platform.

Thoroughly test your automation

Before activating them, it is important to test your automation recipes. Run test scenarios and carefully review the results to ensure their proper functionality. This step allows for early identification of any potential issues or errors.

Monitor performance

Once an automation is up and running, regularly assess its performance and make necessary adjustments. Keep an eye on trigger functionality and the execution of actions to ensure they are working as intended.

Document your automation

Maintain clear and comprehensive documentation for each automation recipe. Include pertinent details about triggers, actions, and any custom settings. This documentation will prove crucial for troubleshooting purposes and knowledge sharing with team members.

Gather feedback from your team

Involve your team members in the automation process and seek their feedback and suggestions. This will help identify areas where the automation can be beneficial and ensure it aligns with their needs.

Virtual Assistance for Automating Your Workflows 

The role of a virtual assistant is highly important when it comes to facilitating monday.com workflow automation. The following are some of the tasks that a virtual assistant can efficiently handle concerning automation recipes:

  • Help users find and access these powerful tools.
  • Support users in identifying the relevant boards and triggers to initiate the automation.
  • Assist users in configuring each automation recipe's actions, conditions, and settings.
  • Assist users in discovering available pre-built automation recipes and customizing them to suit their needs.
  • Helping users run tests and activate the automation sequences to ensure they function properly.
  • Support users in managing and making changes to existing automation recipes as their workflows evolve.
  • Maintain documentation of the implemented automation workflows for later reference and troubleshooting.
  • Guide users using advanced automation features, such as adding conditional actions based on specific criteria.
  • Assist users in contacting Monday.com's support team for further guidance and assistance with automation-related issues.
  • Diagnose and resolve any issues or errors encountered during the configuration or execution of automation recipes.
  • Collaborate with users to fine-tune and improve automation recipes based on changing requirements.
  • Conduct training sessions or tutorials to educate users on creating their own automation recipes.
  • Compile reports and statistics on the impact and efficiency of implemented automation recipes.
  • Work with teams to ensure that automation recipes align with the broader workflow objectives and processes.
  • Continuously research and explore additional automation possibilities to further enhance productivity.
  • Stay up-to-date with industry trends and advancements in automation to suggest improvements and optimizations.
  • Assist in integrating best Monday.com automations with various tools and platforms to streamline workflows and improve overall efficiency.

Wishup: For The Best Workflow Management

wishup virtual assistants

Wishup is a renowned provider of virtual assistant services, offering dependable assistance to streamline workflow management. The team consists of highly skilled professionals well-equipped to handle various tasks. By utilizing Wishup's services, individuals and businesses can concentrate on their primary responsibilities. Here are some notable advantages of opting for Wishup's offerings:

Experience cost-effective services

At Wishup, we specialize in providing affordable, customized solutions to your requirements. We aim to ensure you can receive professional assistance without exceeding your budget.

Partner with the top 0.1% of talent

Wishup carefully selects virtual assistants from the top 0.1% of talent to provide you with access to exceptionally skilled professionals capable of delivering work of the highest quality.

Seamlessly onboard your virtual assistant within a single day

The efficient onboarding process at Wishup guarantees a seamless integration of your virtual assistant into your daily work routine. This allows you to immediately begin assigning and delegating tasks with ease.

Eliminate the need for a training budget

Wishup's virtual assistants come with a pre-existing wealth of experience and expertise in their specialized fields. As a result, this significantly minimizes the requirement for extensive training, ultimately saving valuable time and resources for your business.

Effortlessly replace your virtual assistant if you're unsatisfied

If the designated virtual assistant may not suit your requirements, Wishup allows you to switch to another assistant, guaranteeing you the best possible support.

Put your virtual assistant to the test with a 7-day Risk-Free Trial

When you sign up with Wishup, you can take advantage of their 7-day risk-free trial period. This trial period allows you to experience the services they offer and assess the skills of your virtual assistant before deciding to commit to a long-term partnership.



Automation recipes provide a versatile and scalable solution for optimizing workflows and enhancing productivity.

automation workflows

Users can customize these sequences to meet their requirements through exploration, testing, and refinement. 

Wishup, a reputable provider of virtual assistant services, offers support in implementing and overseeing automation recipes, ensuring smooth workflow management. 

To experience the advantages of efficient workflow management, contact Wishup today for a complimentary consultation or email us at [email protected].

FAQs For Monday Automation

What can Monday.com automate?

With Monday.com, teams can use its automation capabilities to streamline their workflows, boost productivity, and save precious time. This powerful platform can automate many tasks and processes, such as task assignments, status changes, due date reminders, repetitive data entry, notifications, file transfers, approvals, and email communications. 

How many automations can I have in Monday.com?

The number of monday.com automations available varies according to your subscription plan. To determine the exact number of automations accessible to you, refer to your chosen plan's feature list.

Can Monday send automated emails?

While Monday.com does not offer a built-in feature for sending automated emails, alternative solutions are available. By utilizing third-party integrations such as Zapier or Integromat, you can seamlessly connect Monday.com to various email service providers. This will enable you to establish automated email notifications triggered by specific actions within your Monday.com account.