How Do You Run Automation to Move the Deal to the Next Stage in HubSpot?

How Do You Run Automation to Move the Deal to the Next Stage in HubSpot?

Ever wished you could make your sales process smoother and more magical? Well, you can with HubSpot! It's like being your own tech wizard, automating deals effortlessly.

HubSpot's automation helps propel your deals to the next stage. The workflow tool holds the key to streamlining processes within your deal pipeline, making automation accessible even if you're new to it. 

Just as Gandalf navigates through Middle-earth with a strategic plan, you'll be guiding your deals through the sales pipeline with precision and efficiency.

your deals through the sales pipeline

This guide will unpack different workflows crafted directly from your deal settings. But before diving in, let's lay the groundwork by defining your HubSpot automation deal stages. 

Let's get started!


Deal Pipelines in HubSpot

In HubSpot, a pipeline serves as the backbone for defining deal stages HubSpot or ticket statuses. Whether in sales or service, pipelines play a crucial role in revenue prediction and obstacle identification. Let's delve into the key aspects of deal pipelines.

Deal pipelines offer a visual representation of your sales process, enabling accurate revenue predictions and the detection of potential obstacles.

Deal Pipelines in HubSpot

Deal stages, the pivotal steps within a pipeline, signal an opportunity's progression toward closure.

Every pipeline includes at least one stage, and each account has a default pipeline. Default pipelines, identified by the pipeline ID "default," serve as the foundational structure. Accounts with multiple pipelines require specific property settings to ensure seamless functionality.

Creating Multiple Pipelines

Exclusive to Sales Hub Professional or Enterprise accounts, the ability to create multiple deal pipelines empowers users to tailor their approach. Similarly, Service Hub Professional or Enterprise subscriptions unlock the potential for multiple ticket pipelines. This flexibility allows for strategic customization based on unique business needs.

Use Cases and Examples

In practical scenarios of Hubspot automation deal stages, an account might implement distinct pipelines like "New Sales" and "Contract Renewals" to deal with various aspects of the sales process. For ticket management, separate channels may be established, such as a primary support queue and another for escalations. 

Each queue represents a distinct ticket pipeline, providing focused organization.

It's important to note that creating multiple pipelines is contingent upon the subscription level. Sales Hub Professional or Enterprise accounts are eligible for multiple deal pipelines, while Service Hub Professional or Enterprise subscriptions create diverse ticket pipelines. Explore HubSpot's subscription levels for a comprehensive understanding.

Syncing Pipelines with External CRMs

For seamless integration with external Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, the pipeline endpoints facilitate the synchronization of specific pipelines. This ensures efficient collaboration and data exchange between HubSpot and external CRM platforms.

Automating Deal Stages

You can boost your team's productivity by leveraging automation within HubSpot's suite of tools.

Automating Deal Stages

Tailored to your account's subscriptions, various tools can be employed for streamlined automation, including:

  • Forms or Marketing Emails: Simplify data collection and communication processes.
  • Ticket and Deal Pipeline Stages: Automate the progression of tickets and deals through predefined stages.
  • Sequences: Efficiently manage follow-up tasks with automated sequences.
  • Workflows: Tackle more intricate processes by setting up comprehensive workflows.

Integrating automation eliminates manual and repetitive tasks, allowing your team to focus on high-value activities.

Also read: How To Mass Unsubscribe From Emails: Your Ultimate Guide to Inbox Freedom!

A step-by-step guide to setting up a New Deal Pipeline

Creating a new deal pipeline in HubSpot is a straightforward process that ensures your sales processes align with your business needs. Follow these steps to establish a new deal pipeline:

First, Evaluate Your Sales Processes:

  • Consider creating a new pipeline if your business has distinct sales processes with unique stages.
  • Use separate pipelines for direct-to-consumer and wholesale sales if they involve different stages.

Account Permissions and Teams:

  • Determine whether creating separate pipelines is necessary based on your business structure.
  • Utilize the same pipeline for similar sales processes across multiple teams, adjusting access through user permissions.

Account Subscription Requirements:

  • Ensure you have Sales Hub Starter, Professional, or Enterprise accounts to create additional pipelines.
  • Refer to your subscription to determine the maximum number of pipelines in your HubSpot account.

Creating a New Deal Pipeline:

  • Access your HubSpot account and click on Settings in the main navigation bar.
  • Navigate to Objects > Deals in the left sidebar menu.
  • Click the Pipelines tab and select Create Pipeline from the dropdown menu.
  • In the dialog box, enter a distinctive Pipeline name and click Create.


Editing or Deleting Deal Pipelines

Managing deal pipelines in HubSpot is crucial for aligning your sales processes with business strategies. Here's a simple guide on how to edit or delete deal pipelines:

Editing or Deleting Deal Pipelines
  • Navigate to your account and click on Settings in the main navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar, go to Objects > Deals.
  • Click the Pipelines tab.
  • Click the Select a Pipeline dropdown menu and choose the pipeline you want to modify.
  • View the pipeline's internal name by clicking the code icon, which is essential for integrations and the API.

Actions Menu:

  • On the right, locate the Actions dropdown menu and choose from the following options:
  • Rename this pipeline: Update the pipeline's name by entering a new one in the dialog box and clicking Rename.
  • Reorder pipelines: Adjust the order of pipelines by dragging them in the pop-up box and clicking Save.
  • Manage access: Control user permissions for viewing and editing the pipeline.
  • Delete this pipeline: Remove the pipeline after confirming in the dialog box. Note: Clear deals or move them to another pipeline before deletion.

Customize Display:

  • Click Customize board and card view to select properties displayed on the board and cards.
  • Explore Customize deal tags to create and manage color-coded labels for deal categorization (Sales Hub Starter, Professional, and Enterprise only).

Adding or Removing Deal Stages

Effectively managing deal stages is pivotal for tracking and categorizing ongoing deals in HubSpot. Here's a straightforward guide on how to add, edit, or delete deal stages within a pipeline:

  • Click on the settings icon in your HubSpot account's main navigation bar.
  • Navigate to Objects > Deals in the left sidebar.
  • Open the Pipelines tab.
  • Select the pipeline you wish to modify from the dropdown menu.

Adding a New Deal Stage:

  • Below existing stages, click + Add stage.
  • Enter a name and select or input a probability for the new deal stage.

Editing Existing Stages:

  • Change the name by clicking the stage, entering a new name, and saving.
  • Reorder stages by dragging them to a new position.

Advanced Options:

  • View the internal name by hovering over a stage and clicking the code icon.
  • Delete a stage by hovering over it, clicking Delete, and moving existing deals to another stage.
  • Set edit permissions for specific stages, choosing users or super admins.

Enhance Deal Properties:

  • Edit properties are displayed when a deal moves to a certain stage.
  • Save changes in the bottom left when done.

Automating tasks in deal stages

Here's a step-by-step guide on automating tasks on deal stages in HubSpot:

Access Pipeline Settings:

  • Click on Settings in the main navigation bar of your HubSpot account.
  • Navigate to Objects > Deals in the left sidebar and open the Pipelines tab.
  • Select the pipeline you want to automate from the dropdown menu.
  • Click on the Automate tab within the selected pipeline.
  • In the deal stage's column, click + Create workflow.

Customize Task Details:

  • In the right panel, click Create Task.
  • Enter the task's title and customize details:
  • Set due date (Immediate or At a set date).
  • Configure an email reminder for the task's assignee.
  • Add notes for a quick task description.
  • Choose a task type (Email, Call, or To-do).
  • Associate tasks with relevant records (related to the deal entering the workflow).
  • Set task priority (if applicable).
  • Assign the task to the Deal's existing owner or a specific user.
  • Once customized, click Save to activate the automated task setup.

Time-saving Automated Actions

Explore the power of automated actions within your workflows to boost efficiency and eliminate unnecessary steps in your sales journey. Navigate to the Automation tab and find your deal stages neatly laid out in columns. In each column, you can effortlessly incorporate actions that will be automatically triggered as a deal progresses through the stages.

Here are four impactful automated actions to enhance your sales team's productivity:

Set Property Value

Set Property Value

Automate updates to specific properties when a deal transitions into a particular stage. This action is not confined to deal properties; you can choose contact or company properties. For instance, use it to streamline Lead status updates, ensuring accurate tracking of prospects' progress.

  • Go to the Automation page of your desired deal stage.
  • Add the "Set Property Value" action.
  • Choose the property type (Contact in this example).
  • Select the property (Lead status) and the relevant status.
  • Save and witness the Lead status update automatically as deals enter this stage.

Create Task and Rotate Deal to Owner

Simplify task management and deal ownership by automating task creation and assignment. Perfect for scenarios where collaboration is key, such as involving a sales engineer in a product demonstration.

  • Add a "Create Task" action in the relevant deal stage.
  • Craft a task description using deal properties.
  • Assign the task to the appropriate team member (e.g., a sales engineer).
  • Consider using the "Rotate Deal to Owner" action to dynamically assign deals to team members.

Create Ticket

In service-oriented industries, ensure a seamless transition from sales to services by automating the assignment of a services representative and creating a ticket when a deal reaches a specific stage.

  • Add an automated action for "Create Ticket" in the desired deal stage.
  • Populate ticket details with information from deal properties for a smooth handoff.

Send Internal Email Notification

Foster team collaboration and celebrate successes by automating internal email notifications. Configure it to trigger when a deal reaches a significant stage, such as closure.

  • Navigate to the Closed-Won deal stage.
  • Incorporate an action for "Send Internal Email Notification."
  • Specify recipients, subject line, and body content, drawing on deal properties for relevant information.

These automated actions save time and enhance accuracy and collaboration within your sales team. Embrace the power of automation to propel your sales process to new heights.

Virtual Assistants for Optimized Sales Pipelines 

Give a brief overview of the role of a virtual assistant. Write tasks a virtual assistant can do related to automating deal stages in Hubspot. Explain each point.

Identify relevant pipelines and stages for automation

VAs scrutinize each stage; this way, you can identify key areas where automation has the potential to enhance efficiency significantly. This initial phase sets the foundation for a targeted and strategic approach to the subsequent automation process.

Research available trigger options 

Whether it's due dates or changes in property, exploring these triggers allows you to finely tune the responsiveness of your automation, ensuring it aligns seamlessly with your sales pipeline dynamics.

Define desired actions 

With a clear understanding of triggers, the next step involves defining the desired actions for your virtual assistant. This includes outlining specific tasks, such as moving deals to the next stage or triggering notifications. Clarity in these directives ensures that the automation aligns closely with your business objectives, leaving no room for ambiguity.

Create custom properties for advanced automation 

Creating custom properties becomes paramount for those seeking a higher degree of customization. Tailoring these properties to suit your specific needs adds a layer of sophistication to the task automation process, accommodating the unique requirements of your sales pipeline.

Research potential integrations with external tools 

Exploring potential integrations with external tools opens up avenues for enhanced automation. By connecting HubSpot with complementary applications, you can create a more robust and interconnected system, amplifying the capabilities of your virtual assistant to drive efficiency across multiple platforms for deal based workflows hubspot.

Monitor workflow performance and analyze results

The diligence doesn't end with implementation; it extends to monitoring workflow performance and analyzing results. Regular tracking allows you to gauge the effectiveness of your automated workflows, while data analysis provides insights that pave the way for continuous improvement.

Identify and troubleshoot any issues encountered

Proactive troubleshooting is crucial in maintaining the smooth operation of your automated processes. VAs identify and address issues promptly, and you ensure that your virtual assistant operates seamlessly, minimizing disruptions to your sales pipeline.

Review and adapt workflows periodically based on changing needs

Recognizing that sales dynamics are constantly in flux, periodic reviews and adaptations become imperative. Regularly revisiting and adjusting workflows in response to changing business needs ensures that your deal stage automation remains aligned with the evolving landscape of your sales pipeline.

Create documentation for the automation process

Documentation serves as the bedrock of understanding and troubleshooting. Comprehensive documentation of automated processes provides your team with a clear reference point, fostering a shared understanding of the system and facilitating effective issue resolution.

Train other team members on using the automated workflows

Empowering your team through knowledge-sharing is the next logical step. Training sessions on using automated workflows ensure seamless adoption and cultivate a sense of ownership and expertise among team members, enhancing the overall effectiveness of your automated processes.

Suggest improvements and advanced automation techniques

Finally, staying ahead of the curve involves suggesting improvements and exploring advanced automation techniques. 

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Therefore, it's clear that harnessing HubSpot task automation to propel deals to the next stage in your HubSpot account presents a transformative opportunity to enhance sales efficiency. 

Wishup, as your partner, offers the expertise of the top 0.1% of virtual assistant talent, ensuring swift onboarding, eliminating training costs, and providing a no-questions-asked replacement policy. Take advantage of Wishup's 7-day Risk-Free Trial to experience the power of automation firsthand.

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Contact us for a free consultation, or drop us a message at [email protected] to embark on a journey of optimized sales pipelines and heightened productivity.

FAQs: Hubspot Automation Deal Stages

Can you automate deal stages in HubSpot?

Yes, you can indeed automate deal stages in HubSpot. HubSpot's robust automation capabilities allow you to set up workflows that automatically move deals through predefined stages based on specific triggers or criteria. This streamlines your sales process, saving time and ensuring consistency in deal progression.

How many deal stages are there in HubSpot?

As for the number of deal stages in HubSpot, the flexible platform allows you to customize your sales pipeline to suit business needs. While the default setup of HubSpot task automation may include stages like "Appointment Scheduled," "Proposal Sent," and "Contract Sent," you have the freedom to define and tailor the stages according to your unique sales process. The adaptability of HubSpot ensures that it accommodates various sales structures and strategies.