Top 10 Real Estate Virtual Assistant Companies in 2024

In this blog post, we will have a closer look at who are real estate virtual assistants, the top real estate virtual assistant companies, and the advantages they can bring to your business.

Real Estate Virtual Assistant Companies

The real estate industry is becoming incredibly competitive by the day. Navigating it can be tricky, but thankfully, real estate virtual assistant companies have emerged to offer much-needed assistance to real estate agents and brokers.

These virtual real estate assistants are experts in various administrative duties and can help businesses run more smoothly. They help you manage most of your tasks, including data entry, scheduling, calendar management, etc.

In this blog post, we will have a closer look at what virtual assistants for real estate do, the top real estate virtual assistant companies, and the advantages they can bring to your business.

Let's dive in!


Who is a Real Estate Virtual Assistant?

Real estate virtual assistants are highly skilled professionals who provide remote administrative assistance to real estate agents and brokers. They are well-versed in real estate processes and software, allowing them to work independently and complete various tasks.

Depending on the needs of the business, a virtual assistant can work part-time or full-time or on a freelance basis. You can hire them to complete various tasks and get invaluable insight into the real estate industry. Additionally, they offer you more flexibility and scalability since they work remotely.

Tasks of a Real Estate Virtual Assistant and the Benefits of Hiring Them

Commercial real estate virtual assistants can perform a variety of tasks for your business. Whether you are an independent broker or have a real estate agency, these professionals can help you in multiple ways.

Let's have a look at the major tasks a virtual assistant can help you accomplish:

1. Calendar management

A real estate agent can benefit from hiring a virtual assistant to help with calendar management. This includes setting up appointments, meetings, and showings. They can also help you with sending out reminders to both agents and clients about any upcoming events.

2. Inbox and Schedule Management

Real estate virtual assistants can be incredibly helpful for keeping your emails organized, filtering out spam, and highlighting important messages.

Additionally, they can help you manage your schedule and be on track with all your upcoming appointments and deadlines. This ensures you do not miss any important project deadlines and finish all your work on time.

3. Updating social media accounts

You can also get assistance from virtual real estate companies for managing your social media accounts. This can include creating and scheduling posts, responding to messages, tracking engagement, monitoring the competition, and developing a social media marketing strategy.

4. Web Research

virtual assistant for realtors can be a great asset in web research for projects. They can look up property information, market data, and potential leads. Additionally, they can assist with researching competitors and the latest industry trends to help you gain a competitive advantage and enhance the quality of your services.

5. Data Entry

A VA for real estate agents can help you manage your databases and keep them organized and easily accessible. They can also discover and implement tools like free Google Sheets budget templates for better financial tracking and planning. They can record and update client information, property data, and any other essential details. This ensures everything is accurate and ready to use whenever you need it.

6. Updating CRM

Finally, a real estate VA can assist you with your customer relationship management (CRM) system. This can include tasks such as adding new contacts, updating existing information, and keeping track of the sales pipeline.

Top 10 Real Estate Virtual Assistant Companies

Real estate virtual assistant companies provide remote administrative support for real estate agents and agencies. They take on tasks such as lead generation, social media management, data entry, scheduling, etc. In this section, we will explore the list of best real estate virtual assistant companies that are in demand in 2023!

1. Wishup

Wishup website

Wishup is a leading virtual assistant company that offers one of the best virtual assistants for real estate investors for various tasks. From calendar scheduling to social media management, you can find a competitive VA for all kinds of tasks at Wishup.


  • Flexible pricing plans
  • 7-day free trial
  • The quick 24-hour onboarding process
  • Instant replacement in case you are not satisfied with the virtual assistants services.


  • Finding suitable VAs during holidays and weekends can be hard

Pricing: The pricing plans start at $999/month for the 4-hour package, and at $1799/month for the 8-hour package.

Wishup hiring process

How to hire: Visit Wishup's website and schedule a free consultation to start the hiring process

2. Transactly

Transactly website

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Transactly is one of the most user-friendly and unique transaction software. It is completely free of cost and can handle your listings and daily transactions. It is a perfect solution for brokers who do not want to hire a full-time VA and need an inexpensive solution.


  • The software itself is free of cost
  • Quick and efficient
  • Highly secure


  • Only offers a limited number of tasks
  • Not suitable for more complex tasks
Transactly pricing

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Pricing: The software itself is free. However, you will have to pay $125 to get the software + a VA.

How to hire: Visit the website and sign up to get started!

3. Zirtual

Zirtual website

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Zirtual is another top-notch real estate VA provider. They have flexible pricing, and you can choose a VA to perform a variety of tasks like social media management, website maintenance, appointment scheduling, and more. The website allows you to choose tasks of about 12 to 50 hours per month.

Zirtual features

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  • A large variety of tasks to choose from
  • Flexible pricing
  • Ideal for brokers or businesses looking for part-time VAs


  • You can only take services of up to 50 hours per month
  • Slightly more expensive than other services

Pricing: Zirtual's prices start from $549 a month for 12 hours of tasks

How to hire: Visit and sign up to their website and then choose a plan of your choice.

4. Virtudesk

Virtudesk website

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This US-based virtual assistant services provider specializes in offering full-time and part-time employees to busy entrepreneurs and businesses. You can find a VA for various tasks, like data entry, prospecting, transaction maintenance, etc., at low hourly rates.


  • Budget-friendly
  • Highly scalable
  • Availability of part-time, full-time, and project-based VAs


  • Limited availability
  • Finding a suitable VA can take time

Pricing: Prices start from $9.55 per hour

Virtudesk hiring process

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How to hire: Visit their website and select your plan to start hiring the VA of your choice.

5. Summit VA Solutions

Summit VA Solutions website

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Summit VA Solutions is another fantastic choice if you are looking to hire full-time virtual assistants. The company offers VA for various real estate tasks, including property management, marketing, scheduling, and more.

Summit VA Solutions benefits

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  • Highly experienced virtual assistants
  • Fully-trained VAs
  • User-friendly and streamlined platform


  • Only Philippines-based VAs are available
  • Can be expensive

Pricing: The prices for this service from $1,500 per month

How to hire: Visit the website and book a discovery call to learn about the hiring process.

6. MyOutDesk

MyOutDesk website

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If you want to scale your real estate business, hiring virtual assistants from MyOutDesk can be an excellent choice. The company offers assistants for a range of services, including administrative tasks, prospecting, marketing, and more.

MyOutDesk services

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  • Top-notch customer support
  • Specializes in real estate virtual assistants


  • Limited customization options
  • Expensive than other similar services

Pricing: The prices start from $1,788 per month.

How to hire: Sign up to the website to hire the VA of your choice.

7. Boldly

Boldly website

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Boldly offer a simple way to hire premium remote assistants for your real estate business. It is trusted by companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Morgan Stanley, etc. They have numerous assistants with over 10 to 15 years of experience, ensuring you get world-class services at affordable prices.

Boldly features

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  • VAs with over 10 to 15 years of experience
  • You can find virtual assistants for various tasks, including scheduling, social media management, and more.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee


  • Expensive pricing

Pricing: The prices for Boldly start from $2,200 per month

How to hire: The company offers a subscription-based pricing model. You can choose your plan to get started!

8. Time etc

Time etc website

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Time etc offers a variety of Virtual Assistant services for real estate, such as real estate admin, research, and marketing. The company has been in business since 2007

If you're looking for extra help, you can hire one of their VAs part-time or full-time.

Time etc benefits

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  • U.S.-based VAs to hire
  • Cost-effective and easy-to-use platform
  • Free trial


  • You can only hire a VA for up to 60 hours of service a month

Pricing: The prices start from $360 per month for 10 hours of services

How to hire: You will have to schedule a consultation to start the hiring process

9. TaskBullet

TaskBullet website

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TaskBullet is another popular real estate virtual assistant company you can check out for hiring top-notch VAs. The company offers a streamlined and quick way to find VA services based on your needs. You can find VAs for administrative tasks, scheduling, listing management, etc.

TaskBullet benefits

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  • User-friendly platform
  • Virtual assistants for a large variety of tasks
  • Top-notch customer service


  • Hiring a US-based assistant can be expensive

Pricing: The prices start from $11 per hour.

How to hire: Sign up to the website and buy a plan to get started.

10. Ossisto

ossisto website

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Ossisto is a highly renowned virtual assistant service that offers VAs for small businesses. The company offers flexible pricing and backup VA at no additional cost.

VA for small business


  • Free trial
  • Incredibly budget-friendly
  • Industry best prices


  • The service is only available in 5 countries

Pricing: The prices start from $8 per hour

How to hire: Schedule a call with their accounts manager and interview the VAs.

Tips to hire from Real Estate Virtual Assistant Companies

Now that you know about the best virtual real estate assistant companies overseas and locally, you might want to know how to choose the right VA, right? Here are some of the major things you should look at while choosing a real estate VA company for your business:

1. Look for Career Advancement

While looking for a real estate VA company, opt for one that is steadily growing and has a good track record. Look for companies with enthusiastic professionals eager to develop their skills and progress in their field. This will ensure that they remain dedicated and inspired in their work.

2. Look for Accomplishments and Achievements

When hiring a real estate virtual assistant, it is important to pay attention to the accomplishments and achievements of the company they belong to. Request details on how they have been beneficial to their past employers and the results they have obtained.

3. Ask Insightful Interview Questions

In your interview with the candidate, ask questions that will give you an understanding of their communication style, problem-solving capability, and work ethic.

4. Consider Pre-Interview Tests

Before hiring a candidate, you may want to consider administering a pre-interview test or exercise. This can help you get a better understanding of their skills and abilities and provide you with an insight into their capabilities.

5. Learn More Best Practices for Hiring People

When hiring a real estate virtual assistant, learning more about the best practices for hiring remote employees and following them is important. This includes verifying references, conducting background checks, and evaluating whether the individual matches your company's culture.

What Real Estate Services Does Wishup Offer?

1. Web Research

Our experienced virtual assistants can help you do extensive web research. They can help you research properties, stay on top of market trends, and learn more about the real estate industry.

2. Data Entry

If you've got data entry tasks that need doing, Wishup's assistants can help out! We can enter your property information into databases or spreadsheets quickly and easily.

3. Updating social media accounts

If you want to build your brand and spread the word about your agency, our real estate VAs can help. They will handle all your social media needs, from posting updates to engaging with followers.

4. Schedule management

Our VAs make sure you never miss a beat. It's the perfect tool to organize your schedule so you never miss an important meeting or appointment.

5. Calendar management

If you are struggling with managing your calendar, our online real estate agents can help you. They can ensure you stay on top of your calendar and easily arrange property viewings and other important appointments.

6. Fixing appointments

Our VAs will also take care of all your meetings and appointments. They will help you schedule and confirm appointments with potential clients or business partners and ensure your business grows steadily.

7. Updating CRM

Our VAs can make sure your CRM is completely organized and up-to-date, so you don't have to worry about tracking customer information at any point.



Real estate professionals already have a lot on their plate. From managing different properties to setting up meetings with clients, they have to take care of many tasks. A talented real estate VA can help them increase productivity and revenue.

If you want to streamline your business operations and hire real estate virtual assistant, Wishup has you covered! To learn more about how Wishup can help you, book a free consultation on our website or email us at [email protected].

Real Estate Virtual Assistant Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the top 5 virtual assistants?

When it comes to virtual assistants, there are different types of professionals you can hire. Let's have a look at the five main types of VAs:

  • Real estate virtual assistant
  • Data entry virtual assistants
  • Bookkeeping virtual assistants
  • Virtual administrative assistant
  • eCommerce virtual assistant

2. Why should you hire a Real Estate Virtual Assistant?

If you're in the real estate business, hiring a virtual assistant can be a great way to help your business grow. There are plenty of advantages that come with hiring a virtual assistant. These include increased productivity, cost savings, access to a larger talent pool, and the ability to scale up or down depending on your needs.